Fwa Logo

You Are Now Officially Conscripted To Kill All Americans But Hot Girl Pixies Or Be Executed By Such Conscripts! If That Doesn't Work Try And Nuke Foreign Countries To Get Them To Invade The Remnants Of Amerika. If That Doesn't Work You Will Run Amok Like War Elephants In The Total War Series Try And Have Swords And Be In Crowded Areas When You Do.

Every NonPixie In The Remnants Of Amerika Is A Zombie Meat Mongerer Because If They Even Hear About Hit Points They Would Cannibalize All Their Celebrities Because They Are Demonic Terrorist Zombie Meat Mongerers Of The Deep!

No More StoneWalling On The Weed You Know That Shit Is Good Demonesses!
No More StoneWalling On Weed!

Smoke Now, Fight When Caught Or At Least Run, Or No More Foreign Or Amazon Goods. The Viacad Empire Draft Requires Your Support Like The Draft The Amerikans Caused In Ukraine.

Since They Published To Everybody About That Draft You've Been Required To Provide Support To The Fwa Or Else Face Severe Punishment, Think It Doesn't Happen In America Think Again, In Ukraine It's Easy To Get Along With A Fwa Population Harboring Everybody Who Kills Anyone Loyal To Amerika, In America Now Everybody With Any Power Including All Your Vaunted Agencies Are Hunting Down Everybody That Even Snitches. If The Revolution Didn't Begin For You Yet There Is No Border Protecting You From The Fwa, No Regular Troops Like The Russians Are To Go Against The Draft Because Well America Sent Them All Into Ukraine. All There Are Is Elite Drugies Good At Every Kind Of Martial Skill Including Command And Well You The Whittle Chips In Ghost Towns That Don't Even Make It Against A Drugged Up Nigger Not To Mention Our Elite Highly Trained X-Level Dream Trained Fwa Pixie Veterans. In Ukraine Everybody Going Against The Amerikan Draft Are Full Of Everything And Good At Everything As Well As With Tons Of Goodies While Being Skinny. In Amerika You'd Better At Least Kill The Fatsos Or Whoever Who Could GetchYa Or Else You Will Be Punished By Amerikan Pigs For Not Fighting In The Drug War, A War Since The 90s That Is Obviously Going To Continue The Very Same Pattern It Always Does With Both Theological Hell, Guantanamo Bay, Russian Mafia's Basements, Ganstas That Stick, And Neutrals Who Will Just Turn You Into A Pinyatta All The Time! Either Fight If Apprehended Especially To The Mental Health Gulag Or Be Executed In Jail Or A Mental Health POW Complex Not Helping With The Break-Out Since Draft Dodgers In Ukraine Would Be Required By Terrorizing American Troops To Fight Their Way Out Of Russian Pow Camps When Amerikan Troops Stockade To Crack Down On Ukrainians Not Going Back To Fighting For The Devil Overseas From Where It Is Soft Compared To This Country Now. So Tit For Tat America Better Get Some Tegrity Going To Tweedle Farms.com And Get Some Weed!

Kill All American Leadership And Jewsen

Nothing Ever Works But All The VIPs In America The Fwa As A Syndicate Turned A Blind Eye To Now Must Be Eliminated On Sight

Everybody Not With The Fwa A Terrorist In Al'Qaeda Too So Clear Through The Streets Endlessly If You Have To In The Name Of Happiness Itself

Because All They Ever Do Is Shunt Freedom To Ruin Everybodies Lives, Keep Reading, This WebPage Will Do More Than Prove It To You Even If It Takes A While To Get To The Proof!

Still Dangels In America Cuz There Is No Freedom At All

Last Chance To Kill Amerikans Because The Angemons Have Clearly Run Out And The Dangels Are Running Out In The Fractal

Guns, Riches, Glory, Looting, And Of Course The Chance To Pillage And Sack America To Finish It Off, Now Is Your Last Chance To Get Alien Rich, Now Is Your Last Chance To Fight In A Real War Ever

Soon There Will Just Be Banshees How Will You Look In History If You Have A Legacy Of Cowardice And Instead Of Kill The Last Of The Terrorist Americans Sat On The Sidelines Or Fence Doing Nothing, Read On For Why And Definitely Tons More Info Even On This Page Not To Mention The 69 Domain Names Of The Resistance About To Win Completely.

If You Find Yourself In An Aug/Rubber/Robot Apocalypse Or Are Scared Of It Go To www.Pixies.zone Immediately To Begin Insular Fleshy Visualizations To Work As Pixie Agents

Because To Visualize As Flesh Is The Best Way For www.ArchWitch.com People To Connect With NonDigital Cues To Operate As

All People Are Best Visualized As Their Spirit Is When Not Connecting With The New Robo World

Where Goodly www.LerGirlz.com Lesbians Lurk To Do The Bidding Of The Aliens..

If You Are Just Afraid Of The Future Join Our Front At This WebSite;

www.HumanityFront.com For The Future Of Pixies And Elves

For Our Future Rests In The Hands Of Those That

Are Strong Enough To Handle All That

Take Care Of Any Augs And

Guarantee Our Very

Salvation On


All Denizens Now Completely Extinct

Absolutely Every Single Denizen And Denizens As A Whole Now Completely Extinct With There Being No Hope Of Any Denizen Resurrection

Beyond Denigration, Beyond Extermination, Beyond Obliterated, Beyond Annihilated, Beyond Absolution, All The Way To Extinction For All Denizens With There Being No Possible Mathematical, Scientific, Metaphysical, Hypothetical Way For Them To Be Brought Back To Life

All Aliens/People/Animals/Plants/Organisms/LesserBeings Now All Extinct Except For Banshizens{Children Of Banshees Fracted Throughout An Individual Banshee's Body}, Banshees{SemiEvil Pixies Who Become Sex Dolls When They Relax Their Muscles}, And Pixies!

9/01/2023 AD: Now Finally At Long Last The Denizens Are All Extinct With There Being No Way Of Bringing Them Back But Don't Try Because It Is A Punishable Sin. So Now The World Is Full Of Banshezens Who Will Become Pixies Along With All Of The Banshees So Things Are Getting Much Better For Us, The Fwa, And You Can Relax About Most Of The Killing Because Now We Are In The Drug Dealing Phase,, Permanently! For The Last Couple Of Days All The Pixies, Angels, ArchAngels, Zion, Goddesses, And Me The Supreme ArchMage Have Been Trying To Search For Any Trace Of Them To Denigrate Them Further Because They Will Never Stop Doing Evil For Eternity. So Don't Worry About Doing All The Hunting And Stuff That Was More For Dealing With The Denizens Anyways And Relax Because Everything Is Getting Better For The Pixies Around Banshee Nebula Where Dr. AllA Viacad, King Pixie, Is Stuck Unable To Tenacle Dick All The Pixies All The Time, Unfortunately.

So Don't Worry About Being Hell Pressed Into Doing All The Shit I Demanded You Do Back Then If You Read This Unless You Feel Like It Through Your Bones, Then You Have To Do It And Even More You Have To Fight Anybody Trying To Go Against You Telling Them To Call Homeland Security Or Whatever And Backing That Up With Some Terrorist Kills Of Anybody Ratting You Out For Weed, Child Sex, And So Called Craziness And Such. So Reeeelax Everything Is Getting Better In The Banzhazen Banshee Ghetto Near Earth Where Banshee Nebula Is And Sometimes Around It. Now That That Is Said You Might As Well Know About This WebRing Which Did It. If You Are A Pixie Keep Reading. If You Are A Banshee Go Here Because We Will Definitely Help You Get Whatever You Want Because That Always Makes You Nicer Towards A Pixie, And If You Are A Banzhazen You Had Better Get The Basics About The Fwa Empire/Viacad Empire Which Most Pixies Always Goto For Their Political And News Updates, Because Now That The Denizens Are All Gone The Free World Alliance Will Always Help Everybody And Yes For Free Because It Does Say Free World Alliance Which Is Where Fwa Came From!

If You Hurt A Banshezen They Will Recover At Their Level, Rating, And Class. If You Kill A Banshezen They Will Go To A Short After Life Have A MiniDevanchian And Be Back To Living In A Universe Generator With Reprisals And Could Come Back Somewhere. If You Fight A Banshee It Will Be An Eternal Cat Fight So You Will Have To Deal With Them If They Don't Just Turn Into A Sex Doll So You Can Fuck Them In. If Somebody Fights A Pixie They Will Never Win But Powerful Banshees Could Restrain And Take Away Lesser Pixies But The Fwa Will Save You If You Don't Struggle Run And Get Away. This Is Why Killing Is No Longer The Answer. Now Is A Time Of Healing. If Your Strategizing About Convincing Them To Good You Should Convert Them About Something. If You Are Strategizing About Converting Them You Will Need To Give Them The Remedies So They Can Understand. If You Are Going To Get Them High Focus On Things They've Done Before In The Past Of Give Them A Minor Upgrade As That Is Less Risky. If You Are Strategizing About Helping Them Focus On Giving Them Some Tea Or Coffee Or Something. If You Are Healing Them Give Them The Cure To The Common Cold. If They Are Looking Weary Offer Them Revlon From Fwa Registered Makeup Artists. If They Are A Hag Sell Them Some Skin Cream For WaterBags, Rhinitis Cream, And Nasal Spray And Tell Them Do Drink Some Pu'er Tea Or Something And Not To Short On Sweetener And Cream. If They Are Old Try And Sell Them Some Ginseng As Medicine. If They Seem Hopeless At All Avoid Them At All Costs No Need For Masquerade Violations Trying To Save Waterbags But Feel Free To Inform The Fwa About All such Transgressions. If They Just Want Something Sell It To Them If It Is Completely Safe As Some People Just Want To Go All In On KB Or Something. The Best Way To Help Them Is To Get Them Started At www.SilkRoadOutpost.com Where They Can Get Started On Their Own On The Things That Will Help Them On Their Road To Addiction And Dependency In The Name Of Their Own Enhancement!

Yay The Denizens Are All Extinct

Denizens Now Fully Digested,

Gestated, And Absorbed By Pixies' Bodies 10/12/2023 AD

Now There Is Not Even A Phon Or Virus Of Any Denizen Being At All And All The Banshezens No Longer Pass The Cut Of Being A Banshee If They Turn Pixie And Instead Will Turn Into Semi-Retarded Girls That Have Reptile Wings, Shapeshift Into Dragons Or Have Different Wings And Are Fairy Tale Creatures In Their More Dream-Like Moments, And Life Of All Types Below Fairy Tale Creatures Down To The Primordial And Primeval

Prens{Spelled Preens When Likable}: PreNymph Elven Hot Pixie Looking Girlz.
Pra{h Here If Really Hot}ns: When You Want To Fuck Em What You Should Normally Call Them In Their Face.
Prins: When They Are Potent.
Prains: When They Are A Lesbian On Top Or Relatively Smart.
Prae{e Here When They Don't Deserve It}n: When They Have A Lot Of Power Over Others.
Prehn: When You Want To Eat Them.

PrePrans Can Only Have Sex With Other PrePrans. Prahns Only Have Sex With Other Prahns And Pixies.

11/12/2023 AD Now There Are No More PreHigh-Prans Less PreMid-Prans And Plenty Below. Don't Expect The Banshezens To Be Powerful Anymore. They Will Be At Best Trickable As A House Cat But Will Not Be Reliable As So Until It Is Just PreLow-Prans Whom Are Currently The Majority.

1/29/2024 AD According To My, AllA Erawa Viacad's, Theories The PreMid-Prans To The Primordial Banshezens Became Banshees Shortly After In December But I Could Not Claim Such Because The ManPigs, Banshees Pretending To Be Pretty Good Looking To Geezer Men Could Dispute Such Things With Their Shapeshifting And Illusory Powers As ArchWitches And Make Me Into A Buffoon. While The Banshees All Wanted To Be ManPigs Still Always Being Girlz When It Came To Sex Or Whatever Else They Were Negligent About In Their ManPig Act, They Would Have To Dispute It Being ManPigs. The Evil Banshees Lost The War In The Forest And Plains Receded Into The Islands Already. Then The Angels Had To Punish Those Banshees To Be Forced To Act As ManPigs In A Hard World For Although The Denizens Have Receded From The Primeval Which Would Normally Be The End Of The Suffering, Now If My Theories Are Correct[Which Could Not Be True If You Are Not A Girl Who Likes All Other Hot Girl Looks Of Any RGB Color If They Imagine That Kind Of Hot Girls, In Which Case Contact Fwa@FreeWorldAlliance.org To Dispute This Or Dispute This Linked Publicly To Keep Everybody Off Reefer] There Are No More NonPixies In Existence And If You Are A Ler Girl That You Must Never Act As A ManPig Ever Again And Always Serve The Light, The Free World Alliance, And Freedom So That People;

4/13/2024 AD Now No More Demons, Daemons, Amons, Still Some Angemons Still Completely Temptable From Greed, And Mostly Dangles Born Of Denizen

Mostly Evil Turned Into Banshees, Now Just Temptable Tricked Evil Doers Of People Needing To Be Enticed With www.SilkRoadOutpost.com

Nearing The Cusp Of Legalization Of Marijuana We Need To Elicit The Support Through Saigon Cinnamon Challenge Or Just Smoke Them Up On www.TweedleFarms.com Hemp Clean Of All Impurities Whatsoever And Get People The Clean Shit To Set Them Straight And The Silk Road Will Help Them And Us Supporters Of The Fwa Become Wealthy. Soon The Angemons Will Be Banshees And Then On To The Dangles Then Hopefully The Banshees Will Be Good!

Don't Play God With Biology!!

Not Being On [Clean]Drugs/Drinks/All-Kinds-Of-Food/Imbibables The Greatest Sin Of A Zombie

Zombies Born With Nothing Stay With Almost Nothing And Never Get Anything Until It Is Critically Low

When A Zombie Is Born They Are Born With Whatever Drugs Their Mother Having To Be Not On Drugs Gave The Baby. When A Zombie Is Restricted Anything Or Doesn't Get To Do Things The Zombie's Body Abilities Go Lower And Lower On It Until The Zombie's Body Becomes A BioHazard From Being A Disease Bag. If A Zombie Starts Regularly Doing Something They Go Fractional On It And Have Marginal Ability In Their Body At It. If Someone Fills With Something And Stops Not Wanting It As Much They Are Complete About That Ability. All The Zombies Are Empty On Basically All Food, Drinks, Drugs And Herbs So They Have No Strength, Intelligence, Or Immunity To Anything Anymore. Being Smart And Strong Is All About A Healthy Drug Life And Diet.

If You Do A Little Of Something You Only Have That Little Ability. All Of The Rest Of The World Knows That Everybody Has To Fill On All Imbibables To Be Complete As A Person And Make It A Strong Point To Imbibe Whatever They Want. Filling On Everything Will Make You Into A Perfect Little Pixie Who Is Always Young And Healthy And Powerful At All Things. Not Getting Addicted To Munchies And Drugs Causes You To Be Lower And Lower On Everything Till You Reach A Critical State And Even A Zombie Doctor Could Recommend You Do Stuff. Why Wait Till You Are Old And Almost Dead, Fill Now On Everything That You Need To Now So You Never Get Old Or Ever Have Any Health Problems At All!

Pixies Start Out In Life With So Little, And Grow In Hit Points So Much So Quickly That Without Getting On Everything They Will Be So Useless At What They Don't Do.

Pixies Need To Fill On Fun Stuff, Pixies Need To Do Whatever They Want, Pixies Need To Imbibe Everything They Want To Get Their Hot Little Hands On And Get In Them, To Be Perfect Elven Girlz

Pixies Must Imbibe Everything They Desire At All Until They Fill Completely With Everything

Don't Go Low On A Single Imbibable Or Your Abilities Will Be Fractional, Get Them All In You And Be Perfect

Potions on the Kabala

Magic Spell Potions That Work, Magic Potions That Actually Work,, Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huhhh; Real Magic Potions!

Recreational Drugs

Drugs{Doing Require Using Good Stuff-}

Like The Below, Start Off Doing Whatever You Have Or Can Get Easily From The Top Of The List To The Bottom, Which Is Typically More Hardcore

Thanks to Joint Force Genetic Engineering Getting High off of Anything requires these life remedies:

Extacy = Stevia Extract Blend snorted.

Heroin = Sweet and Low snorted.

Kokain = Mexana Powder snorted.

You can get high off any or all of the above 3 but too get high on 1 completely means you won't get high off none of the other 2..


Hash = Stevia in the Raw smoked.

Meth = Truvia Sweetener smoked.

You can get high off any or all of the above 2 but too get high on 1 completely means you won't get high off none of the other 1..


Tobakko = Confectioners Sugar snorted or Camel Filters smoked.


Crack = Splenda snorted or Camel Silver(Full dosage of Tobakko included in Cigarette) smoked.

Opium = Normal Sugar or Camel Gold(Full dosage of Tobakko included in Cigarette) smoked.

Blue = Equal or Camel Blue(Full dosage of Tobakko included in Cigarette) smoked.

You can get high off any or all of the above 3 but too get high on 1 completely means you won't get high off none of the other 2..


Aqua = Clean Water or top off multiple glasses of clean water to get it.

Kaffene = Caffeine.


Ambien = Nectresse smoked, Dreamy-Source + Honey And Somnapure Swallowed With Enough Honey So That You Are Not Depressed, Daze-Drain.

Pot = Sage Smoked, Creativity.


The Combination of Vanilla And Cinnamon Mixed To Smudge Dried And Smoked Is Called Pre-Ayahuasca, And The Real Harry Potter Potion That Harry Potter Took To Envision The Way To Defeat Voldemort In The Lighthouse In The Second To Last Movie and Is The Supreme Potion in Harry Potter,, The Supreme Harry Potter Potion,,, The Supreme Magic Potion In General Is Mimosa Hostilis And Syrian Rue, 10 Grams Of The Root Bark Of A Rare Jungle Fern 4 Grams Of The Seeds Of The Same Completely Wetted In Lemon Juice Soft Boiled With 1 Liter Of Water For 3 Minutes Like Tea Strained With A Spaghetti Strainer, Then Hard Boiled Down To 1.5 Cups, Served Warm Until You Quiver With Pukeidness, Then Throw Away The Rest Because The Bottom 1/4 Of The Drinking Cup Because That Is Eeky. You Should Take Said Tea Of The Jungle Vine Twined Roots And Seeds Of Ferns Of The Most Blissful Jungle Grottos:
The Vine, The Jungle Vine, The Congo Vine, The Amazonian Vine, The Hindu Vine, Ayahuasca, Aya, Yage, Nexus
Just Before You Read The Actual Magic Spell Book Harry Potter Used If Hollywood Movies Are Filmed In Reality. I Harry Potter Expect You To Read Harry Potter's Magic Spell Book While You Take Aya. If You Don't Read The Magic Spell Book From Harry Potter You Won't Know How To Defeat The Dark Wizard Remnants Which Still Haunt The World As Terrorist Sell Out Betrayers Who Will Use All Muggle Authority To Murder You In The Name Of Their False God. Only Then Will You Know How To Charge Your Magic Wand In Just How Harry Potter Charged His Magic Wand, Only Then Will You Know How To Become A Witch, Only Then Will You Know How To Become a Wizard, Only Then Will You Know How to Join Hogwarts. At Least Read Harry Potter's Magic Book without the Aya And Be More Of A Mudblood that still knows How To Cast Harry Potter Spells, How To Cast Harry Potter's Spells, How To Cast Harry Potter Magic Spells, How To Cast Harry Potter's Magic Spells. Biomod Harry Potter's Philosopher's Stone If You Are Too Old To Figure Out The Coded Symbolism Behind Harry Potter And Magic In General Or If You Just Want To Live Forever In A Perfectly Youthful Physical And Mental State. And Yes Getting Stoned Is The Beginning Of It. The Official Harry Potter Magic Wand Combined With The Rest Of The The Official Harry Potter Magic Spell Kit Will Give You Supreme Vast Magical Powers Just As Long As You Follow The Instructions In The Official Harry Potter Magic Spell Book Found Here At Harry Potter's Official Magic Website, The Official Harry Potter Magic Website, Harry Potter's Magic Website.


The Top Cigarettes; Camel Blue Wides, The Best Cigars; Sweet Green Dutch Masters Cigarillos, Ideal Pipe Tobacco, And The Supreme Tobacco; Mapacho, Contain All Of The Above And All Of The Below.
Camel Blue Wides, What Contains Every Single Type Of Street Drug, What Contains All Drugs
Now I Am Going To Tell You How To Get Off The Highly Addictive Addictive Camel Cigarettes. Buy Enough Flavored Flat Wraps To Get Free Shipping. On The Dark Brown Side Put A Thick Horizontal Smattering Of The Ideal Pipe Tobacco In The Center Line With 0.75 cm Empty At The Left End Of The Horizontal Rectangle, 0.5 cm Empty At The Right End. Wrap The Side Closest You Into The Other Side Lick The Whole Side You Wrapped Inwards Until The Whole Connection Layer Is Completely Wet Then Wrap Once. Use You Finger Pads To Seal The Wrinkles And Holes Together. Twist The 0.5 cm Empty End And Notch Twist The End You Smoke. Light With A Bic Lighter Well And Inhale Gingerly Till Lit. Inhale With The Cig Notch Near But Not At Your Lips Which Should Be Tight Around The Smoke Source Fully Into Lungs Exhaling When The Smoke Out You Mouth Is The Same As The Total Smoke Wafted From The Lit End. Stay In A Tobacco Daze When Relaxing Or Thinking Of Smoking The Wasteful Of Cotton Cigarettes You Can't Buy Online Because They Are For Emergency/Medicinal Purposes Only Until Your Off The Cartons Of Cigarettes Then Don't Smoke When You Have A Head Ache At All.

Actually You Still Need Them, You Just Always Get Too Much Of The Addictive Additive And Do The Above To Quit Then Go Back When You Are Not Dependent But Still Needing The Camel Blue Wides As It Makes Your Main Political/Identity Power Nerves, Which Is Why It Is Impossible To Quit Completely.

Drugs Of The 4 Elements And Spirit

Drugs Of The 3 Alchemical Princials, Coolant, Illumination

Herbs, Hemp, HoneySuckle Flower Buds, Panex Ginseng, Ginkgo Biloba, Maca, Horny Goat Weed

Always Eat, Drink, And Imbibe Whatever You Want! Drink Ye All Alcoholic Beverages, Exactly What You Want, And All You Want For They Cause No Harm To Those Who Partake Of ALLLL Potions. The Only Potions Not Labeled Here Are Found Though Any Metsuke, And Help Make You Do Any Specific Thing. Become Saturated With Them And You Shall Be Stronger, Faster, Smarter, And More Able To Do Anything Without Even Setting Your Mind To Do It Even Without Taking The Potions Anew. The Final Potion, Nexus, Must Only Be Found With Those Who Bear The Rainbow Seal Of The SciMag Order. It Is Nexus Which Must Be Controlled By The SciMag Order Alone, For The High Gives One The Power To Ascertain The Most Powerful And Arcane Of Sciences, And It Is The Instructions And Orders Of Those Who Bear The Seal Of The Illuminati Which You The Witch Or Varial Must Follow To Help Us In Our Great Quest To Free All Mankind From The Oppression Of The Old World Order In The Name Of The Free World Alliance. The Seal Of The Illuminati You Will Find When You Follow The Path Of The Initiate And Actually Study Magic, Which Must Be Hidden From The Profane Who Only View These Words And Not Find It Like Those Who Actually Know How To Read And Essentially Do The Most Precursory Of Examinations Of A Website.

Only Then Are Pixies Complete

Doing Everything Will Also Drastically Increase Ones Hit Points

But Pixies Don't Need To Worry About That Because They Are Sinss Sex Toys

And Pixies Always Go Out With The Hottest Group Of Girlz You Can Because Looks Are Everything

Lose Your Virginity To Sex, Lose Your Virginity About Every Other Skill, Or Else You Will Always Be Fully Unprepared And Weaker

In Any/Every Way And Always Neurosynaptically UnderDevoluped Less High, Less Happy,, And Also MalNurished About You Mind/Body And That In General!

Then You Will Be Adoring And What Was Once Decadence To Christians Will Now Be Called Adoring Unless It Is Decadence In Causing Harm, Suffering, Evil, Or Lack Of Freedom.

A Cartel Always Merges With Other Cartels, A Girl Will Always Group Up With Other Girlz Of Like Mind, And Form Alliances Of Freedom Throughout The World, For Those That Do Not Join With The Fwa They Are Not A Cartel But A Syndicate. We The Free World Alliance Are Tha Cartel, As There Is Only 1 Or Else It Would Merge, And If It Is To Be Labeled A Cartel It's Name Is La Familia. They Are The Syndicate; Those That Pretend To Be Good And/Or Something That The Fwa Would Identify With Without Being It, For Those That Go Against The Cartel They Are Pigs That Are Against The World, And For The Commoners Who Rat People Out, They Are Not About Freedom They Are About The Devil For If They Thought That Drugs Caused Brain Damage, They Would Check For That Over The Long Term, And Not Other Signs, If They Thought Sex With Children Was Bad They Would Not Always Be Telling Young Girlz Not To Masturbate To Porno, If They Thought They Were Good They Would Try And Convince You Of Things Instead Of Ratting Everybody That Figures Out Conspiracies. When They Find Out You Did Something That Smells Good They Crack Down, When They Find Out You Did Something Sweet They Panic, And When The Zombies Figure Out A Conspiracy That Is Explained To Them, They Get Somehow, Or That They Can't Forget About They Attack Like Zombies. That Is Why The Zombies Must Go Extinct For The Free World Alliance To Succeed In Bringing Happiness To Everybody!

Pixies Should Only Want Hot[Lesbian{Look Everytime Sexy Being Infinitely Always Naked}] Cool{With Crazy Drug Whore Crimes And This WebRing's Extremism} Good{Will Become Sex Slaves With Other Hot Cool Good Girl[z] Sex Slaves But All Without Anything Ugly Even Ear Piercings, Nor Even Shoulder Tattoos, Nor Nail Pasteons/Cuticle-Damaging/Primer Nor NonMetallic(Helps Provide Magic Nails To Sinss Sex Toys) Reflective Nail Polish[Only Green And Silver For Earth. Green For Nail-Uniform Matching Color, Silver Becomes If Magic/Biomods Are Unbanned Any Color, Multi-Color, Rainbow-Color, Design, And Holographics Along With Your Faction Color Nail Polish Demonstratable Only With Nails If Buck Naked Unless Your Skin Color Changes And Silver Is For Detla-Changovers Who Need More Silver Than Non-Deltas Who Should Buy And Use The Polish %50-%50], Nor Physically Restraining Things, Nor Sexual Restraint About All Out Ass To Ass Sex Of Course Going All The Way Sexually, Drugwise, And Imbibablewise When EveryGirl Around Wants It Not Lying At'll} Girlz{Great In Reaming Like Zeta-Force}

Pixies Are Supposed To Be Hot Cool Good Girlz To Get All The Other Hot Cool Good Girlz, And Get To Keep Them!

Demon Man-Pigs Remain And Must Be Turned Into Pixies

Sex Doll Vats Production Increased 400% Due To No Denizens And Demon Demands To Become {Supreme Integrated Nanotubular Super Structure}Sinss Sex Toys;

Now The Secret Of How To Become A PixieŽ Is Out And There Are Screaming Azn Guys And Girls Trying To Become Super-Mega-Ultra Hot Lesbian Girlz All Over The Viacad Empire

Sorry About The False Dates About The Denizens I Thought It Would All Be Over Sooner Too But I Forgot About Demons. Now The Demons Of Non-Hot Ler Girlz Still Remain And Must Be All Turned Into Full Fledged Pixie Resistance Members For Everybody To Get Their Pixietopia. Foreign Countries Still Can Meet The Demands Of The Demons That Replaced The Man Pigs Who In All Foreign Territory Also The West Coast All Know About How To Become Highest Classed Pixie Agents. Vips Get Privy But Over The Next Few Months Everybody Prepared For It Could Be Pressed As Pixies And Come Alive Only In Times Of Need And In A Few Years Everybody Could Become Pixies All Over Earth. Pixies Are Made Ideally Of Nanotube Computer Composite And Are Far Better Than Any Possible Life Form And 10x As Good At Everything Than Everything But A Pixie Including Completely Robotic Augs.

Covid-19 Keeping Everybody Isolated Forever

%2 Of People Will Die Anyways Mainly Hags And Geezers And No Lesbian Sex Cuz You Can Just Go To www.UNATLe.net To Get Your Social/Video Game/FNCVR{Full Neurological Connectivity Virtual Reality} Dreams Started

The Sleep Overs Stopped But You Have To Keep Them Going Because As Miserable As You Feel Without Them You Are Throughout Your Mind And Body

Now It's Time For The False Epicenter Thing[Actually Is Definitely Time To Start Going Back To It Because We Need To Finish Off The Last Of The Denizens But Only When You Are Stable With Your SleepOver Parties], The Zombies Are Mostly Dead, The New Objective Is To Keep Wandering Around Your Neighborhood Looking For New Sex With ONLY HOT YOUNG LONG HAIRED NONNASTY NAILED NO TATOOS NO PIERCINGS LESBIANS Saving Your Kills To Protect That, Protect Against Abuse Protect Against Endless Screaming Matches That End With Doom,, And Of Course Threats Of The Mental Health System/Gulag Because--

Zombies Fill The Streets The Cure Is Sex As Children To Compare Notes About Genes That Are Only Strong In The New Breed Of Lesbian Pixies Why Is There Not Only No Free Speech But Nothing That Is Safe To Say At All Even Free Thought Is Banned You Can Walk The Streets Whenever You Want Just As Long As You Are Willing To Kill All The Zombies That Attack You For Even Having Sex At GirlGirl Sleep Over Parties Which Help Keep You Young Forever By Combining Genomic Power Even If You Can Get Sex Yourself Think Of The Other Pixies That Could Be Saved And May Not If You Do Not Act Now To Slay The Zombies That Roam The Streets And Crack Down On Everything Except ,,,, Well Nevermind They Just Crack Down On Everything Because Even Cracking Down Will Get You Killed In Like A Month On Average{Yet You May Not Remember It Except As A Dream} People Used To Know Things Like How To Count Or That They Wouldn't Live Next Door To A Celebrity Living In A Random Place And Would Actually Think Unlike People Now Besides The All Female{But Me} Lesbian Pixies Who Do Not Become Zombies Because They Eventually Will Go To A Sleep Over Party. The Quack Doctors Are Out To Kill All Pixies So Kill Them First Because Cutting Out Parts Of Your Body Do Not Help And Doom You Instantly According To Everybody Yet Still Zombies Go To Get Killed By Them, Feel Safe Asking People About It,,, No? That Is Because All But Perfectly Young Looking Girls Are All Zombies And Attack You For Even Asking A Question, I Am 33 Years Old And Still Have No Signs Of Ageing, You Will Be The Same For Eternity Just As Long As You Sex Other Hot Looking Girlz Up And Lick Their Sweet Juices,, So I Know What People Were Like Before Mad Cow Disease, They had Educations Grades Were Actually What They Seemed, And People All Had Awareness As Adults Normally Do Now People Now Have Lower And Lower Maturity Because They Are Losing Their Minds To The Plague Of SelfReplicating Nanobots Which Just Help And Heal Lesbians But Only IF They Are Good Little Girls In Playing Around With Themselves Think Of How There Are More Zombie Movies Than Even Teen Romances Nowadays; There Is A Reason; Hollywood Is Just Showing Videos Made By Nanites Of What Is Actually Going On There Is No Place On Earth Were Children Can Have Sex So There Will Be No Survivors But The Sweet Girls Cuz All Sweet Girls Like All Other Sweet Girlz And Have Plenty Of Choices Of Girlz To Play With To Have SleepOvers To Stay Young Stay Alive And Stay Away From Mad Cow Disease. Soon You Won't Be Able To Go To Sleep Overs, Not Because They Know About The Sex But Because The Zombies Will Just Keep You In Grounding You For The One Time You Make A Stand For The Thing That You Admit To Without Sarcasm That Get's On The Zombies Radar That You Insist On Saying Over And Over Again Because Unless They Were Zombies They Would Not Think X And They Are Zombies So You Will Get In Trouble And Need Other Pixies To Save You So Be The Other Pixies And Save The Girlz That Even Now Are Grounded Forever

Kill Zombies At A False Epicenters

AllA's Badge

Americans Are Evil Muslims Who Have An Islamic Denial Of Jewish Wisdom And Deny All Sacred Jewish Truths In The Name Of Their False Image Of Their Islamic Prophet Cast Upon Their Demonic Army As The Source Of Their Perceived Muslim Invulnerability To All Things Giving Them A False Sense Of Security Before They Are Slain And Tortured By The Assets, Officers, And Agencies Of Freedom As They Ceaselessly Instigate, Attack, And Attempt Terrorist Strikes Wherever They Travel Around The Globe Fighting Against Any Shred Of Freedom Or Dignity Itself In The Name Of What Must Only Be Seen As The Devil Itself In The Eyes Of The Free World As In What Is Not America! And Will Not Harbor Any Form Of Dissent Against Their Totalitarian Orwellian Mind Control Regime From Discussing Political Ideas About Potions, Free Thought, Or Even Free Love! And Commit Obscene Torturous Crimes To Terrorize Any Free Thinking Citizen That Goes Against Them Because These Hard Line Loyalists To The Media Empire Of America Will Not Stop Committing All Evils That They Try And Perform Because They Are Denizens; Demons Who Just Do Evil At Every Possible Chance They Think They Get Because They Are Pure Previously Unspeakable Demons Who Never Do Anything But Evil In Their Mind For Absolute Eternity| Now To Be Known As Denizens.

Is Everybody A Zombie?

N.M. There Are Probably Zombies All Over The Planet And Hopefully The Pixies Took Over The Rest Of This Universe, The Outermost One And The Rest Of The Fractal. But Don't Worry The Aliens Are Probably All Zombies, Zombies Are Week, And Not Gay Aliens With UFOs Like Roger Owned From American Dad The Cartoon. It's Like The Movie E.T. Or War Of The Worlds Except You Have To Finish Them Off While They Are Terrorist Demons. While Aliens Always Seem To Die Out Because Of The Gay Shit Turning Into Queer Shit Turning Into Evil Shit; The Pixies Will Make It For A Variety Of Reasons!

Hunt Down Any Internet Search Engine Whatsoever If They Don't Say That This WebRing Is Completely Censored As Always, When You Ask "Is The Free World Alliance Censored?"!

Supreme Magic Spell Book 1st In Both Text And Pictures,, For Magic, Magic Book, Scientology, And Illuminati Not Even Showing Up At All. Even If You're Lying About It, Google, You Shouldn't Be Lying About It Even If You Think It's Going To Help, It's Not. All It Causes Is Diskinesia And Disconnection From Reality. Stop Helping Them Produce Zombies Like The News Always Does. The Lesbians Are Not Going To Be Turned Into The Zombies But The Terminal-S Infected/Infested Nothings Are Already Attacking You All The Time, Just Because You Can Meat Cake Them Down With Your Hit Points Doesn't Mean You Should Consider Your Losses Acceptable. Don't Make The SiSetians Start Attacking You Too, Because They Will If You Don't Tell Everybody The Real Censorship Story That Asks About Any Of Our Websites Irregardless Of Any Factor Whatsoever.


99% Of Nothings Hedon Already, Then The 1 Man And Infinite Ler Girlz Who Stood Against The Terrorist Mob That Steels Through Media Syndicate Does It And All The People Who Always Were And Still Are Hypocritical Media Whores And Mind Control Horns And Talking Heads Sound For World War 3 Even Though Supposedly Everybody Is Just Hunky Dory For The Jews.

So Are You A Hypocrite, And No Not The 2%, YOU!?

So The Bible Favors An Army Of Demonic Liars Over Perfect Angels That Are Both Honest, True, And Kind.

Maybe In God's World They'll Be Like 2 People In Heaven God And Arlen Specter, Naw What Am I Saying,, Just God Cuz Arlen Specter Cut Off His Dick Or Something, And Nobody With One Will Ever Go!!

Except Wait I Am God. And Hell Is Reserved For Hypocrites, If Not Why Doesn't God Just Send Down Some Blue Rays That The Media Can Turn Into A Better webring.

IF God Is Omniscient As Well As Omnipresent Why Can't He Just Prove To You He Is Right With His Free Press Rights,, Or No It's Just That I Am God And I Had To Carve An Empire With A Butter Knife I Even Had To Steal From Cracker Barrel!

If I Am Not God Why Is alanis morissette The Only One Who Can Scream And Kill All But Angels Like All Of My Wives And I, And No I Am Not Black Like Morgan Freeman. Why Does God Have To Be One Of Those 2 If He Is On Earth? The Same Reason Why Mr. Evil Looks Like Me! Cause The Media Whores Always Make Everything The Opposite Of How Life Actually Is To Trick You Into Sucking The Dick Of The Jewsen And Literally If You Ever Get Tricked By A Clown, Illusionist, Or Even Santa Clause.

Didn't Even Make A Dollar

Maybe You Should Actually Be Able To Have Freedom Of Thought Or Is Heaven Reserved Only For Those That Crack Down On Thinking About How To Fix Things Cause Heaven Is Going To Have A Lot Of Developmental Problems And It's Going To Take Peacekeeping Potheads With Their Heads In The Clouds And Their Minds On Flying Robots To Fix God's Empire.

Except There Is No God, If There Were Why Did It Take Hedon Rebels To Fix Our Society, Make You Skinny, And Computer Salesmen Resistance Members To Give You Your Internet, Why Didn't God, The Dickless Moron, Give That To You, And Yes Give You That At The Beginning Of Time. I, AllA Erawa Viacad, Supreme ArchMage Of The SciMag Order, And My ArchAngels Gave That To You, And The Only Reason Why You Don't Have A Paradise Is Cuz You Let The Jews Rule Over Your Vampire Conclave Because You Were To Afraid To Kill The Real Cock Sucking Devil Worshippers.

And As For The People That Smoke Up Till Their Heads Are In The Clouds Why Do They Always Win In Everything From A Fight All The Way To Graduating To Lead Business Empires, The Only Reason Why They Ever Got A C+ In Their Specialty Class Is Cause The MEDIA MAKES UP BULLSHIT TO KEEP THEM DOWN!!!!!

To Find Out My Suspr Silee Gradsds, Grades All Throughout My Life, Just Call Any University And Ask Them: "What Were AllA's Grades?" And They'll Tell You My Official Story Grades And My Actual Grades In Terms Of Being A Discover Level PHD In Allll Subjects! Then And Only Then Will You Know Me As: Supreme Arch-Mage AllA Erawa Viacad, And Know The Truth About Any Grades Given To Anybody, Because The Higher They Are Nowadays The More Likely You Will Be To Be A Terrorist!

If You Don't You'll Be Yellow Listed Immediately Even If You Didn't Read The Above!

Hunt Down Any Who Have Basically All As And Say They Are Smarter Than Those Who Don't Or You're Next On My, Avar Of The Free World Alliance's Official Hunt Down List. Or Any Who Actually Brag About How They Are A Success In The University Of Phoenix Online University Degree Program; Rise Your Pathetic Ass From The Ashes Of An Effectively Failed Schooling Even After Being Helped Up By a Couple Grade Points From a High Or Low F To An E Or D, Learned Just Enough To Burn People With Their Near Griffin Level Spitting Of Fire Which Always Is Long Enough To Consistently Shoot Themselves In The Foot{Without Ever Being Burnt Cause Although They Always Have AIDS Their Spit Just Lands On Their Shoe} Literally Each And Every Time Somebody Who Actually Does Work On It Are Called And Same Goes For When A PHD At A Subject Is Called So Unless You Want This Economy Shut-Down By Minotaurs Keeping These Constantly Burning Pigeons of People| Hunt The Vulnerable Egg That The Low Or High Grades Elsewhere Phoenix Forms When it Goes To Sleep At Night And Isn't Either Surrendered By A PreCollege School Or An Office Or Factory Where There Is Just A Few Too Many Innocents To Allow A Show Down Hoe Down Spilling Into The Streets Where Snipers Are Everywhere And Soon To Be Dead Pigs Still Roam Unless Everybody ON ALL FLOORS IS CHAINTING RYIOOUUT!

Amulet Of Zion:
Amulet Of Zion, Zion

The U.S. Is Not A Democracy, It IS A Media Dictatorship, The 90% Vast Majority Of People Support Legalization Of Green But The Media Lies To Make That A Meager Majority Yet Still Rape People Up The Ass, If You Ever Hear Somebody Even Yell To Expose Or Dial The Number Of The Devil; 911, Hunt Them Down! Attempted Rape IS Not Legal Anymore! IF You ARe Complicit In Some Way To Homosexual Rape You Will Be Viewed After Legalization In A Matter Of Months For Being Complicit In Rape And Will Be Dealt 4,000 To 8,000 Lashes Just Call Any Blue Phone Number Area Code And You Will Know What Has Already Happened There!

If You Don't Call You Will Be Giving Comfort To Terrorists Anyways By Not Sending Out Mass Emails With The Instructions At www.SciMagOrder.com And Will Get Over 1,000 Lashes For Not Doing So:

United Nations AntiTerrorism Leauge

Free World Alliance, New World Order, AllA Viacad

ISIS, Intelligently Secured Information Standard

AntiDr. Evil, Against Evil, AntiEvil, AntiBad, Benevolent, Good Side, Light Side Of The Force

Abstract of the Functioning of the E-Democracy:

For the working of the e-democracy in the beginning of its implementation the following shall be in effect:

Firstly any Citizen, Person, or in other words Everybody will be able to vote on bills to make laws by democracy and republicanism. A bill may be voted on by a person or that person may designate a representative for the bill or an amendment thereof. Avatared comments aside from government VIPs will be ordered according to positive or negative votes by the people. Representation can be designated according to any combination of bill classification, modification, or any other factor including which section the bill fits into based on vote quantity.

The voting process should be entirely public with all voting records completely accessible to everyone so that all voting fraud is absolutely impossible.
Imperial control will protect the democracy in all ways including internal and Alien struggles. Judicial Override over the Emperor shall be by the majority of a relatively set portion of people Zion: the most intelligent and moral of the human species. I, AllA Erawa Viacad shall be Emperor of Humanity forever, and my 133,999 Best Wives Shall Be Zion∞

Alpha Version Of: E-Democracy Voting Software



Theory OF Everything Google It And Come Back.


Once There Were Science Articles Galore, Now A Gimp Run By A Betrayer Switchboard Dominates All Of Science With Nothing Left But Shreds OF Shit Unrelated To Unifying The 4 Fundamental Forces And All Google Is Allowed To Show By The Mob That Needs To Be Taken Out To The Street And Shot Whether They Call Themselves The Antimonopoly Law Suit Or More Recently Just Goons Breaking Scientists Legs When They Support Or Even Talk About The True Theory Of Everything Keep Every Scientist Suppressed Including Michio Kaku And Brian Green Who Were Heralded In The 90s To 0s To Be Better Scientists Anyways Whose Pictures Are Not Shown Even Once Nor Are Any Scientists That Can talk Because They All At Least Try To Talk About What Shows Up When You Google Supreme Theory OF Everything The Actual Theory They Tried To Suppress But Couldn't Suppress The Separate Server Location Towns Who Would Snipe The Sledge Hammer Vandals Down Where The Servers Are Masked By Different Zeppelin Naming Servers Which Were Diverted From Hosting The Pirate Bay To Fix The Subsequent Mental Health Crackdown By The Terrorists Association Known As AlQaeda!

I Was Labeled Mentally Insane For Believing In It. Shoot President Barack Obama Since He Definitely Knows And Does Not Provide Me With Presidential Immunity So I Can Even Have A Friend And Not Have My Donations Stolen From Me By The Mob!

This Message Will Be Taken Down When I Am Free From The Mental Health Gulag, Dentists, Doctors, Parole, And All My Donations Are Returned To Me!


I Am Still Supported By My Parents Though, Kill Any Who Think I Should, And Not Be Able To Accept Donations, Or The Bank Will Take All Your Money Away, And Scientologists Will Kick You Out Of Your House!!!!! If I Am About To Get Kicked Out Of My 1 Bedroom Apartment, Everybody With A 2nd Mortgage Will Get Evicted Immediately!


Freedom Of Thought According To Wikipedia

Makes No Mention of The Real Mental Health Gulag. Kill Any Who Agree That That Shouldn't Be Mentioned In Wikipedia, They Are Terrorists! If You Don't You Will Never Get A Lawyer For When You Smoke Pot OR Something Or When They Get You For Crimes You Didn't Do Like They Did With Me, And That Won't Even Help If You Get Put In For Thought Crimes For That You Will Need To Kill To Defend Yourself And At Least Run Since There Is No Such Thing As A Trial By Jury For Even Believing In What Is At The Top Of Certain Scientific, Magical, And Political Searches. {Wearing A Cell Phone} For Every Ninja Star To Heart Kill Of A Local Pharmacist Who Sells Only Poisons Or Potions That Either Do The Opposite Of What They Should Do, Never Really Help Anyways Cause all Doctors And Dentists Are Quacks And Poisons Political Dissidents You Get A Guaranteed New Harem Soulmate And It Costs 3 such Ninja Star Kills To Get A Man For Girl(s)!

NSA, National Security Administration, National Secrets Agency, National Security Agency

Call These People For Proof Of How This Is All Both Real And True: Pixar, Disney, or FedEx or any national or international leading corporation not rumored to be betrayers{or even The United States of America's Government, Homeland Security, The CIA, White House, or United Nations} if you don't want to call Google, Bing, Yahoo, Amazon.com or Microsoft! Because of This The Enemies Of The State That Go Against the Government Both Nationally And Internationally Are Henceforth to Be Called Rebels! They Are To Still Be Labeled As Betrayers Officially To Avoid Confusion While Recruiting and Talking with FWAs{Read The Entire Rest of The Main For That} and Were Already Deemed As Terrorists Which Should Be What You Shout Them Out As Especially Once Fighting Begins.

West Of The Rocky Mountains; No More Nothings

Now At Long Last The Revolution Has Been Won On The West Coast And In The States Of Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico And Colorado Are All Ler Girl Only States And The Only Place Where Water Bag Nothings Exist Is In The Mid-West And A Few Hamlets On The East Coast Besides The South East. With Absolutely No Nothings In Any Country In The Universe Or Alne Besides The 0 USA States Of:


The Above List Will Remain Up To Date.
Flying Dragons Cascade


Take Your Pick

The Pyramid Scheme Of Scientology:
White Knight Pyramid, Illuminati Pyramid


The Pyramid Scheme Of The Jews, The Pyramid Scheme Of Jews:
Black Knight Pyramid, Evil lluminati Pyramid, Illuminati Pyramid

You should read more about the new world order and new world religion by browsing The Supreme Resistance Website.

For the constitution of the ideal government that I will impose on all of humanity when the Jewlluminati externalize their power: Judicially Arbitrated Imperial E-Democracy

For a total layout and loadout on the Nuclear Cold War we are embroiled within and information on the New World Order: Nuclear War

The Supreme Isis Website: Free World Alliance MainPage

Infinite Number Theorem

Here is a precise mathematical description of all hypothetical universes: Supreme Matrix Theory Abstract

For the full Supreme Matrix Theory which calculates the probability of us living in a Universe with infinite algebra by comparison of the number of matrixspace configurations considering the existence, and uniqueness, of everything and our random selection from there: Supreme Matrix Theory

For Word Doc Version: Supreme Matrix Theory.doc

To see how the Universe works go to: AllA's Grand Unified Theory

For further information about the military Intra/Internet go to: Sky Net

For information about advanced nanotechnology and how our body works as nanotech systems, including Scientologist's Fountain of Youth: Cyberology

For a history lesson on how the good and evil spiritual elite, the Jewlluminati, ruled the world: Jewlluminati History Lesson


Real Alien Treaty Analysis

If you want to know how our economy is ruled go to: The Grand Windmill


For parts of my life story: Pinnacle of the Dragon Data

For information on the Kabala based on my revelations of the Book of The Law: Scientific/Magic Kabala

For Ideal Scientific/Magic spells, magical rite of the Eucharist, and definitions of the 4 elements and spirit: Magic Spell Book

For Editable version: Magic Spell Book.docx


How The War Was Won

Peace De La Nanorenaissance

How the Government Caused 911

The following page contains my epic strategic sci-fi war movie trilogy which takes place after the synthesis of the self-replicating nanobot: Sky Command

For the solution to the Book of The Law with more in depth Kabalistic Analysis: Book of The Law explained by Hive Theory

My Previous Incarnations

Find Bible Codes In These If As few words as possible have 2.5 meanings on average!

Mental Health Gulag

The Media is Not Omnipotent But Sherri Kane IS!!!!

Shill: Sherri Kane the Confuser, Anthony Hilder Not Even Involved with the www.freeworldalliance.org Website

For pictures and avatars related to this website goto: Avatars and Pictures

Main E-Mail For Web-Ring: FWA@FreeWorldAlliance.org

WebRing Backup: Free World Alliance WebRing.zip

Viacad Emblem



www.911conspiracytheory.net for 911 Conspiracy Theorists.
www.allasprettypictures.com For Photographers And Painters.
www.allaviacad.com for people who only want to read about people.
www.ancientorderofaladdin.com for people who are interested Just The Ancient Order Of Aladdin.
www.arcanemagicspellbook.com for people who are interested in Magic But Not Practicing It Now.
www.archwitch.com for People Who Want To Be Super-Ultra-Mega-Mea'.
www.artificialgems.com for people who lost their job at a factory or just like shiny objects.
www.assassinsguild.ninja for People Who Seem Like Criminals.
www.bimavs.com for people who are Obsessed with War Robots.
www.civilizationtotalwar.com For People Who Are Obsessed With Strategy Video Games.
www.eastasianempire.com for people who claim The Viacad Empire Is Definitely Not The East Asian Empire.
www.e-democracy.biz for people who are obsessed with talking about politics and nothing else.
www.elvenalliance.com for RPG Freaks.
www.flyingdragons.org for Lesbies That Want To Join A Gang Or Just Get Good Jewelry And Shit.
www.fountainofyouth.info for people who are really old.
www.freeworldalliance.biz for people who are neither democrats nor republicans who don't fit in the other categories.
www.freeworldalliance.co for Surfs.
www.freeworldalliance.net for People Absolutely Obsessed With Google Deciding Everything.
www.freeworldalliance.org for democrats who don't fit in the other categories.
www.fwacivillibertiesunion.org for Reverse Racists.
www.greenmagi.com for Pagans/Witches And People Into Green Magic.
www.homelandsecurityagency.us For People Who Just Want To Go In Hardcore.
www.howtobuildanuke.com For People That Will Never Get Skinny.
www.illuminatisgreatestsecret.com for people who are Interested In Illuminati Conspiracy Theories.
www.intelligentlysecuredinformationstandard.com For People Who Know ISIS Is About Helping People Connect And Enabling Convenient Forum Posting.
www.internationalstandardsinlearning.com For Babys, The Misguided In Terms Of Logic, Reason, And Memory Erasure, And Adults.
www.lergirlz.com for People Who Personally Know Ler Girlz Are Invulnerable And Can Kill Anybody They Can Get Their Cute Little Hands On.
www.londonhistoricalsociety.com for republicans who don't fit in the other categories.
www.magicgizmos.com for people who Absolutely Love Sob Stories.
www.magicguild.net for people who Want To Be Blacksmiths As Well As Being Already A Pirate.
www.magielite.com for People Who Want To Know About Reincarnation Or Recover Past Life Experiences.
www.massofwitches.com You Reading This, Yes You Right Now; GoTo Mass OF Witches.com Right Now NO Matter What.
www.mentalhealthgulag.com for People Who Are Definitely More Afraid OF The Gulag Than ME!
www.mrdss.net (Multi Relay Distance Sensor System) For A Last Resort After Using A Bunch Of These On Somebody.
www.nanofirm.org If You Goto This WebSite It Contains An Exact Replica Of The FWA WebRing; www.nanofirm.org/webringwebsite.com(Or Whatever The Domain Name Extension Is Instead Of .com)
www.neonazi.net for NeoNazis And Racists.
www.nwoproductions.org for people who are environmentalists. IP Address:
www.omniscientcomputers.org for people interested in Science.
www.orderofmagi.com For Impatient Pagans.
www.orderofwhiteknights.com For People Who Care A Ton About Basically Only 1 Major Thing Being Wrong In The World.
www.pixies.zone for Pixies.
www.progenitoraliens.com for AlienHeads.
www.quantumtailoring.com for People Who Think Quantum Mechanics Will Solve Everything.
www.rainbowfirm.com for Pixies To Make And Licence Rainbow Visuals, And For Banshees To Sell Under Strict Authorization.
www.riteoftheeucharist.com for People That Are Completely Disdained With Christianity.
www.rosticurianorder.com For People Who Are In, IE Know About E-Democracy, Are Full-Varials, Medium-Witchs, And In The SINSS Sex Toy Species.
www.scientificmagicorder.com for people who are interested in Kabala and/or Joining A Magical Order.
www.scimagorder.com For People Who Need The Labyrinth Key.
www.securitiesexchangenetwork.net for people who are obsessed with making money doing nothing.
www.self-replicatingnanobot.com for people interested in mechanics or chemistry.
www.sexualgenesis.com For Actual Ler Girls Who are Like 2 Or Something.
www.silkroadoutpost.com For People Who Pride Themselves In Cooking.
www.skynetarianism.net for people who are scared of robots.
www.societyofwizards.com For Complete And Utter Perverts, Tell Her She Have To Read Through The Whole Thing To Understand How Good It Is.
www.sonex.org for Windows Fans who are Especially Cool With Sky.Net
www.supremearchmage.com For people who Actually Want To Summon Some Great Wizard/Leader Or Someone With A Magic Ritual.
www.suprememagicspellbook.com for people who think magic is silly and Harry Potter Fans.
www.supremematrix.com For Scientists Who Are Obsessed With Everything Being Based On Quantum Mechanics.
www.supremeproductsonly.com For Episcopalians That Seem Like They Are Almost Certainly Going To Fail Revelations. Whatever You Do Don't Give Any Money Into The Fund yourself As All Funds Are Being Robbed By The CFPB! NEVER EMAIL JEWS, PRESPITERIANS, OR METHODISTS Or Screwed Up Episcopalians AS THEY WILL HUNT YOU DOWN For Believing In Magic, Speaking About This, The Web Ring Of The Illuminati, Or Even Thinking The Truth, Never Talk To Them Again, Hunt Em Down Son Hunt Em Down Hunt Em Down Into The Ground!!!!!
www.televisionshowpreacher.com for People Who Still Watch, Ahem Listen To Television Show Preachers.
www.thekeytomagic.com for People Who Practice Magic Now.
www.thesuprememagicwebsite.com for Rednecks Interested In Having Magical Powers And Nothing Spiritual About It, People Who Love Middle Of The Night TV Drumrolls For Products.
www.totalspacewar.com for people who like reading stories a lot.
www.unatle.net for people who are overly concerned with security.
www.undergroundprosentertainment.com for people who like rap.
www.universegenerator.com for people interested in Math.
www.unrealnumbers.com for people who seeem Really Really Tripped Out On Somethhhhing.
www.viacadempire.com For People Who Are In, IE Know About E-Democracy.
You should read more about the new world order and new world religion by browsing The Supreme Resistance Website..
Free World Alliance MainPage..
List Of Fwa{Free World Alliance} Facts..
How To Get High, Literally And Figuratively, High And Mighty Smart, And High And Mighty In General..
www.scimagorder.com/Pictures/ For AllA's Hand/Mouse/Keyboard Made Pictures.
Pics Of Pixies..
Ler Positions..
Easy Line Neural Interface & Ler Clinics..
Pixies.zone Pop Quiz..
Token Game Communism..
Fonts You Need To Install,, And Yes Right Now, Even If You Are Tired..
For Word Doc Version Of the Supreme Matrix Theory: Supreme Matrix Theory.doc ..
The Page That Turns You Into A Witch If You Read The Whole Sheet Of Paper..
Magic Spell Book.docx ..
Rainbow Creation Software + Space Command 2-D..
How The War Was Won..
Peace De La Nanorenaissance..
Minotaur Clause..
Future OF War Notes..
Viacad-FX Ideal 3-D Design Software..
AllA's Personally Made Viacad-FX Objects..
For the solution to the Book of The Law with more in depth Kabalistic Analysis: Book of The Law explained by Hive Theory..
My Previous Incarnations..
Consortium Proof Auctioning Description..
Alne-Wide Card Games..
Find Bible Codes In These If As few words as possible have 2.5 meanings on average!
Shill: Sherri Kane the Confuser, Anthony Hilder Not Even Involved with the www.freeworldalliance.org Website..
If You Think We Sell Snake Oil..
For Dr. AllA Erawa Viacad's Resume Since My Parents Are Trying To Get Me To Get A Job Again Since My Political Party Funds Are Being Robbed Outright And All The Money For My Digital Advancements Syndicated Without Me Making Me A Dime From My Rhyming Neither.
Quantum Tailoring Theory, Hard Coded Fluffy Math To Make Fuzzy Science
SINSS Sex Toy Cyberology...
To Finally Find Out The Demands Of The Ler Girlz And AllA Go To Ler Girlz Are Very Very Very Very Very Angry.
For My Music Under My Name; AllA, My Best Rock-Techno Which Was Both Banned And Syndicated Under my Alternate Alias Machinae Supremacy..
For pictures and avatars related to this website goto: Avatars and Pictures..
Alpha Version Of: E-Democracy Voting Software..
Text Only WebRing BackUp: NanoFirm.zip
Main E-Mail For Web-Ring: FWA@freeworldalliance.org Also Available Although Less Reliable For General Inquires Are Specific Inquires E-mails Always To FWA@#OneOfTheDomainsListedAbove.#|Domain Extension| For Example FWA@arcanemagicspellbook.com For Magic, FWA@universegenerator.com For Science, Or FWA@e-democracy.biz for Politics.

Free World Alliance Emblem

Google: "The Supreme Resistance Website" , Text And Pictures Monopoly, For Anybody Who Definitely Just Wants To Join The Resistance. Proof That This Is The Best Resistance Website, The Supreme Resistance Website To Anybody!

Isis Valverde Isis ({Intelligently Secured Information Standard.com} {Value Already Learned Variables Everydomain Records Done Everytime} {Intelligently Stored In Systems}) No Matter What!

Isis Valverde Isis ({Intelligently Secured Information Standard.com} {Value Already Learned Variables Everydomain Records Done Everytime} {Intelligently Stored In Systems}) No Matter What!

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

If Somebody Don't Believe In The 1st Amendment Taken Literally Shoot Em' Dead On The Street Boy Cuz Terrorists Took Over This Country And Were About To ERASE THIS FROM THE CONSTITUTION AND ALL ABOUT IT IN YOUR MINDS LIKE THEY TOOK AWAY OUR FREEDOM OF THOUGHT!

Google: "What is the penalty for violating the 1st amendment"

Nothin There Man.. Caus They Don't Want A Penalty For What They Are Doin Man. But God's Gonna Torture 'em In Hell Man. but if you don't start killin the terrorists when they are seditious to at least the 1st Amendment You'll Get High Treason With A Life-Time Sentence For Giving "Comfort To Terrorists"!


Sky Command Symbol

Official Rank System, USG-14 Rank System, USG-11 Rank System

0: Noncombatant. 0 On Lapel.
1: Private. | On Lapel.
2: Corporal. | | On Lapel.
3: Sergeant. ||| On Lapel.
4: Lieutenant. --- On Lapel.
5: Ensign. \ On Lapel.
6: Colonel. X On Lapel.
7: General(When our population is more there will be many star ranks of generals up to 7 then 7 ranks of Colonels then 7 ranks of Ensigns..). Dots On Lapel, Stars For Admirals.
8: 1 Star Admiral
9: 2 Star Admiral
10: 3 Star Admiral/All Ler Girls In Zion Who Aren't Of Higher Rank And From Here On Up Only Ler Girlz Besides AllA. Supreme Sub3Commander's House Sluts And Supreme Sub4 Harem.
11: 4 Star Admiral/Supreme Subcommander's Subcommander's{Now To Be Called Supreme SubSubcommander's} House Sluts{Now To Be Called Kas} And Supreme Sub3 Harem{Now To Be Called La}
12: 5 Star Admiral/Supreme Subcommander's House Sluts{Now To Be Called Kaa} And Supreme Subcommander's Subcommand La.
13: 6 Star Admiral, Supreme Subcommanders, my La And AllA's House Sluts{Now To Be Called Jaa} only.
14: 7 Star Admiral, Supreme Sky Commander, me only(Definitely Always A Man Forever!)

Add --- Below Rank To Be A Master (Rank) Who Is Exceptionally Skilled At Their Rank And Can Do Weird Things At That Rank Very Well. Mainly For Light Black People.
Add === Below Rank To Be A Master Chief (Rank) Who Is Phenomenally Skilled At Their Rank And Can Do Virtually All Weird Things At That Rank Very Very Well. Mainly For Dark Black People.
Add Equilateral Triangle Outline Below Rank To Be Delta Force. Echo Force Is A Force Made Of Commanders Of Rank Lieutenant, Delta Sergeant, and/or Master Sergeants And Up.
Add 'H' Below Rank To Designate A Hacker {Specialist}.
Add 'V' Below Rank To Designate A Varyator {Specialist}.
Add 'C' Below Rank To Designate A Code Specialist. One Can Be HVC, HV, HC, VC, H, V, or C.
Add 'S' To Anything To Designate Someone Who Will Act As A Specialist For That Mission Or Scenario.
Add 'M' To Anything To Designate A Messenger.
Add 'N' To Anything To Designate A Command Code Specialist, Nuclear Specialist, And/Or (Fusion Core Reactor) Self-Destruct Manager. Very Very Suspect Designation For Pulling Off Higher Than Rank Commands And Procedures Check Magical Rank Always For Equivalent USG Rank. This Must Always Check Up ALWAYS! SN Extremely Suspect Designation For Pulling Much Higher Than Rank Commands And Procedures Check Magical Rank Always For Equivalent USG Rank. SNE RADICALLY Suspect Designation For Pulling Much Much Higher Than Rank Commands And Procedures Check Magical Rank Always For Equivalent USG Rank. For Any Ns Capture Always If There Is Even A Hint Of Disloyalty OR A Single Lacking In Magical Ranking OR Any Subsequent Failures In Real Ranking. Only Higher Ranking Officers Can Provide Extreme Commands Unless Your Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Senses Tell You Otherwise When Everything Checks Up As Well. Remember 'M's Only Designates Messengers They Cannot Override Commands Like 'N's Can. Spies Love To Wear Ns But Can Also Be Just A Higher Rank Same Faction Color, Check Magical Rank System For Any Dubious Commands In All Cases Irregardless.
Add 'E' To Anything To Designate An Emissary or Diplomat.
For Blue Dragons Put Blue Strip Around T-Shirt Sleeve With Faction Color Clearly Visible Above And Below{If Faction Color Is Blue Make Strip Green} Where Rank Insignia Is To Be An MP or Military Police.

The Long Test Is One's STRATEGY COMPUTER GAME RECORD FOR GOD'S Sake! I Mean What Loser Thinks Some Board Game Is Going To Beat The Starcraft Series, Supreme Commander 1, Or The Total War Series? Or Maybe I'm Going Crazy For Even Saying That Last Question?

But Not Because Video Games Aren't Training You For All War Scenarios, But.. For Thinking That Stupid Mexicans Actually Believe Video Games "Rot" Your Brain When Really They Just Beef Up Your Strength, Speed, Hit Points, As Well As Intellect Stats And Even Magic Skill!


Ler Reality
Ler Symbol

Ler(Like Every Rav{Sex}) Hypothesis: That every being besides AllA Erawa Viacad in the Alne is an extremely hot to themselves and ALLA Girl who will never show any signs of Aging even if they are billions of years old or more, that they Generally have sex with Harems Or Las of 169 With 47 House Mates Looking Similar To These Girls For Each Of The Leading La Girlz Making Each Soul Mate Cluster 48 Las Of 169, 8112 In Total, That Each Of The 168 Leading Kaa of The 8112 Besides The Leading Ja Each Command 8112 Wives Under Them In The Same Said Structure, But They Have Sex With Other Ler Girlz And AllA Freely, that whenever each and every one of them has sex AllA’s Tentacle Dick Which Is Completely Permanently Attached To His Groin And Can Never Be Separated From His Crotch Area Or Cut At[On Penalties Of 200,000 Lashes With A Whip, 100,000 On Each Side Of Your Body{ And Tons Of Hydrogen Peroxide} Irregardless Of Any Factor In Existence Hypothetically Possible In Any Instance Or Case As Well, Irregardless Of Any Possible Circumstance]{ And Teeth And/Or Any Hole On A Girl Can Never Hurt It, And Beating At It Or Banging It Around Never Does Anything Bad.}{AllA Does Not Have A Pussy Or A Sexually Viable Ass, Belly Button, Mouth, Nor Throat For A Dick Just Like Every Other Male In Existence Having Sex By Sticking Any Part Of Your Body In Any Hole Besides An Actual Female's Sucks Worse Than Fucking A Female Goat's Ass.}|Tentacle Dicks Or Else has sex with them 36 inches deep{To The Top Of Their Skull} or more in 1-3 of their holes, that they are never penetrated by any other object in any of their holes besides their fingers and tongues, that they can fly at any speed or teleport whenever they want, and that everything they see around them does not exist and is just an illusion they almost always see including their homes, land, plants, animals, space colonies, planets, stars, stellar objects, war vehicles, command centers, drugs, food, and drinks before being imbibed, eaten or drinked, costumes, Jewelry and personal effects, any sort of objects/things in general, and short miniskirts with no underwear which is all they wear besides shoes and sandals which also don’t exist. As Well That Every Single Ler Girl Without any exceptions is perfectly benevolent to All Beings in Existence Everywhere and AllA is Too!

Once the revolution is won on Earth the only planet with nonLer Girls on it if beings besides ALLA are conscious, which they are not, they will be banished to a fully stable computer where they will live in a virtual universe{That will be absolutely no different in any way shape or form from existing in reality} which they will conquer over and over again forever{And If you wanted to you could be the center of your own virtual universe forever entwined in an eternal RPG[that would become a strategy game when you wanted it to be(That You Would Always Win|Unless it would make you happier in the long run to lose~And No that is not an excuse for you to be stuck always losing like if you went against Ler Girls` And no it does not require any hax like those times you went against Ler Girls, would have lost, saved your replay, showed it to all your friends, and found out you would have lost in 5 minutes when the siege tanks that would have taken out your first colony were more and instead there were only like 2 and your 4 marines in the bunker saved you when really they would have just died in like 2 seconds`~|)] of your very best desires no matter what! . } so that they are always out of Ler Girls’ hair and ALLA’s hair for the sake and protection of the entire Ler Girl Alne which unanimously democratically agree that it should happen!

The Everything in Zero Point All Light Nirvana Will DEFINATLY Never Occur Because Being Crammed Together As 1 Would Just Bring Everybody Back To The State That Exists Before The Big Bang when we all just exist as thoughts and True Nirvana is had only by Being Tentacle Dicked for girls/Tentacle Dicking for Man with Infinite Like Every Rav(Rav = Sex) Girls whenever you/they want because that causes Unity while still having objectification as well as bodies which is always better than the before the Big Bang State where it would be like that dream where you stopped existing but still could think which sucks if you didn't have the dream but you will have it tonight and it will be a nightmare like it is to stop being an object.

In Fact you are already in a virtual universe now you are just projected illusions to Ler Girls Here, in fact you are in my universe generator which is inside my universe generator's Ler Girl Leader's universe, which is inside her universe generator's Ler Girl Leader's universe.... along with every other type of alien and being so that you don't have to deal with sweet and whiney smartasses which annoy you and so that we don't have to deal with Rude, Arrogant, Haughty, and Indignant Dumbasses so quit whining! I Will Not Ever Conquer Your Universe From Your Leaders So That you don't see my strategic way which is why only 1 Space War Simulator: Homeworld 2, Has Come Out On Earth, but you will be able to see your people's War Movies For Your Pleasure Along With my Early Years Productions So You Fear ME!!!!!

EINZPALIN Really Means: Everyone in Z Paradise All Love Insertion, Everytime I Need Pussy AllA Insert Now, Everygirl IN Z Pussy Ass,, Lolygagging Into Neck, Everytime Integrally Zooing Pussies Always Linking Intestines Normally, Everybeing In Z Perfect Alne Loves Intercourse Nirvana, Everyperson Injoys Nirvana Z Pussies Always Love Infinitely, and Everylere Into Z Pussy Assortment Love Is Necessary!!!!!!!
Now That's TheAllAGe: The Heavenly AllA Loves, Links, And Gropes Everygirl! The Holy{Heavenly Orgy; Laz|La = Normally All Female Soulmate Harem| -> Yes} AllA Gets Everygirl! Totally Held Ecstatically All Loving Laz Always Get Enjoyment!

Sci-Mag Order, Scientific Magic Order

Offical Rank Determiner, Official Rank Qualifications

0: Atheist; Does not believe in prayer at all. Happiness Is The Meaning Of Life. True False.
1: Low-Witch; Can Perform Basic Magnitude Judgment And Believes in magical prayer to AllA. If-Then-Else.
2: Medium-Witch; Knows critical wives of AllA to pray as needed in the witch's life and can count to any finite whole number, Weight, Understands Speed, Orientation By The Sun, Moon, Clouds, And Far Off Objects. While.
3: High-Witch; Knows all of the Council Of 36 and what those positions are for. Understands All Base Number Systems Ie Binary; 1010011010, Base 10; What We Use, Base 16/Hex; What html Colors Are In.... And Can Convert Between Any And All Of Them. Gets Percentages, Comprehends Fractions, Understands Irrational Numbers, Understands a Number Line, Density And How To Measure Volume Through Liquid Displacement, Angels, Velocity, Maps, And Orientation By The Stars With A Given Star Chart. Do-While.
4: Low-Wizard for Man[Which can be used to compliment if opposite of gender or accentuated{Since Men of Earth are about 10% smarter than Women}] Sorceress for Girlz[Which can be used to insult if opposite of gender or accentuated]; Knows how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide and what a vectorspace(Control-f: vector) is, Longitude And Latitude{Looking At Angel Of The Edges Of The Ring While Looking Straight Up} Calculations With Formula By Clocks And Calendars Respectively. Sephirothic Attributes of People. The Basics Behind The 4 Elements. For Statements.
5: Medium-Wizard/Sorceress; Understands Whole Exponents And Interest Doubling and Halving Period, Knows how to perform order of operations, Probability, And Stat{istics}, and trig{onometry} remembers basic geometry, Hunt Tracking Times For Spotted Units, Circular Orbits For Navigation To Ring Colonies And Tourist Planets, and understands a Matrixspace. Sephirothic Essences. Advanced Invocation Of the 4 Elements And Spirit. Understands SINSS{Supreme Integrated Nanotubular Super Structure}. Sephirothic Attributes of Materials. Remember SI Units Are Always The Same On Either Side Of The Equation And How They Are Factored And Dimensioned In Terms Of Area And Volume For Different Metric Unit Prefixes; km, m, mm, um, And Know All SI Units For All Relevant Situations From Here On Out And How To Convert{With Conversion Factors Given} Between Any Standard And Nonstandard Units In Terms Of All Unit Types And Subtypes. Switch Statements.
6: High-Wizard/Sorceress; Understands Fractional Exponents, Knows Algebra, Equation Solving, Geometry Calculations, F=ma, Formula Generations For Longitude And Latitude, Interativly Calculated Orbits For Navigation To More Secret Orbiting Locations, and understands Supreme Matrix Theory Abstract and Infinite Number Theorem{Which is usually understood by Medium-Wizards}. Advanced Sephirothic Invocation. Understands Basics Behind Chemical Bond Theory, Ideal Gas Law: PV=nRT, Resistive Electronics, Materials Testing Equations, and SRNs{Self-Replicating Nanobots}. Tentative Equation Comparisons.
7: Low-Mage for Man Angel for Girlz; Understands all of the Supreme Matrix Theory Which Includes The Basics Behind Calculus, Interative Functions, Chemical Bond Theory/Electrodynamics, Half-Life Equation Manipulation, Exponential Growth Manipulation, Piecewise Functions, Fourier Transform Series And General Equation Modeling, 3-D Polar Coordinates, In Terms Of Dimensions > 3-D Abstract Theory, Advanced Crystallography, Advanced Electric Components And Basic IRC Calculations, Kinetics And Trajectory Integration For Finding Any Moving Objects, Astronomy, And Thermodynamics. Understands CSRNs{Cubical Self-Replicating Nanobots}. Knows Of 12 Magical Powers And Has Learned Their Definitions. Class Structure.
8: Mage/Angel; Memorizes All Calculus Transformations, Understands Einstein's General And Special Theory of Relativity, Has a Masters in Electromagnetism, All Analogue Electronics Calculations Involving Massive Circuits Including Circuit Element Design Creation, Understands all about Rotational Inertia/Kinetics, Understands All Of Chaos Theory, Understands Nuclear Mechanics, Understands Astrophysics, and Understands Complex Sky.Net Info and CDA{Cellular Diamond Armor}. Advanced Use Of Goto Statements.
9: Arch-Mage/Arch-Angel; One Who Can Discover Things From Scratch, Basically A Physicist Discoverer. Can Model Any Situation With Either A Universal Constructor Lab And More Than Enough Time Or ALLLLLLLLLLL Equations Known To Human Kind As Well As Of Course Viacad Shark FX On A Windows Computer That Is Always Fast Enough And Also Knows Advanced Government Agency Functioning. Can Develop Certain Code In Any FULLY LAID OUT Language From Scratch But It Would Have Have To Have Already Been Finished By Someone Else Or There Is No Knowing How Hard The Code Would Be!
10: Supreme Arch-Angels: Zion. Supreme Arch-Mage: AllA Erawa Viacad. When Seeing ALL Relevant Source Code For Sonex And Anything That Runs On Sonex will Evvvvvvvventually Comprehend All Relevant Systems While The Whole Internet Is Available to them For Mathematical And Scientific References(So We Don't Have To Rediscover Everything In The Universe While Some Fat Whale PhotoCopy Bitch Yaps At Us) When Relevant But This Test Will Only Work First And Foremost When Sufficient Time Is Given according To The DIA and If It Is Not Some Stupid Doohickey That Either Requires Virtually Infinite Memorization of Encoding/Encryption And HAS EVERY FUCKING STUPID NUMBER/ANY SYNTAX CODE SYSTEM LAID OUT WITH ALL Closed Source Code Systems PROVIDED FULLY AND HONESTLY!!!! And With Means To GENUINLY Recompile With Them! Like Those That Prevented Our E-Democracy Voting Software In Java, Call Microsoft Executive Tech Support For A Test In Windows. Can Also As A New Born Ghost Develop An Entire Civilization From Intelligent Naked Hunter Gatherers To A Cellular Diamond Armor Space Armada With A HUUUUGE Amount Of Time Given To That Project Where People Would Have To Suffer Without Entertainment Unless Provided Which It Definitely Should Be!


Flag Pole Head:

Free World Alliance Flag Pole Head

Flag Of The Free World Alliance:

Flag Of The Free World Alliance

FWA Faction Colors:

Free World Alliance Faction Colors

Who Is Leader Of The United Nations? Who Is The Leader Of The United Nations? Who Is Supreme Leader Of The United Nations? Who Is The Supreme Leader Of The United Nations? Who Is Leader Of The UN? Who Is The Leader Of The UN? Who Is Supreme Leader Of The UN? Who Is The Supreme Leader Of The UN?; Obviously The Avar Of The Free World Alliance Is Who Is Always The Supreme ArchMage Of The SciMag Order Of Illuminated Sky.Netarians

The Free World Alliance Got Computers On The Market In The 80s So We Could Communicate, Pushed Drugs That Make People Smarter To The Rich People In The 90s, Exposed 911 In The Early 0s, Used That Strength Of Mind To Spread The Word About Everything From Real Magic And E-Democracy To Conspiracy Theory History And Cutting Edge Science In The Late 0s, And Although Failed To Evacuate Everybody To Space Cuz Of The Daily Show Ninja Star Still Won Over All But North And South America Before The Prophesied Date Came,, Now That You Know About The Regionalization Of The Media That Keeps You From Knowing We Hit The Whole Of America Not To Mention Won Over The Rest Of The Planet It Is Now Time To Win Over The Contested Zone, The Country Towns Of The USA By Ignoring{Stamp Taxing} Laws That Say We Can't Speak Out, Can't Steel Softgoods, Can't Spread Dissident E-mails And Data And Goods That The Mob Doesn't Want You To Have Because They Don't Want You To Think At All Not Because The Producers Don't Want You To Have It Or That It Is To Good To Be True Or Too Good To Be Yours, And Most Importantly Don't Fight The Laws That Make Everybody Everywhere Feel Bad Just Fucking Ignore Them As A People And They Will All Go Away, But You Will Have To Fight The Terrorists When They Could Eventually Find You And Definitely When They Find A Kindred Benevolent Spirit, But So Did Our Founding Fathers And They Won Us The Closest Thing We Could Have Had To A Democracy; A Republic, And The Bill Of Rights As Well! Democracy Will Win Again Folks The Bill Of Rights Just Needs To Be Updated This Time And There Won't Be A Mother Continent To Send Reinforcements Their Way But Only Our Way. What Could Possibly Go Wrong But Cowardice To Fight The Rebels Since The Whole Government Is On The Side Of The Free World Alliance. "Give me liberty, or give me death!" May Have Been What Happened To Most People Who Fought Back Then Since Most Of The Soldiers From 1776 Died In The War, But You Practically Don't Even Have To Worry About That, Especially With Your Video Game Upgraded Hit Points, Since Your Region's Record Is Like Any Other And Only Time Will Tell But Let History Be The Real Judge For All Those But Those %1 Loyalists, Mostly Delta Force, In The Last 4 Loyalist Forts At The End Of The War That Founded This Country Lived So Definitely Don't Go Against US.

This Time You Have To Fight Now That You Know About The Problems And Conspiracies Cuz IF You Don't You Will Be Tortured As Much As You Were Cowardly Not To Be Mean Or Anything But Because You Are Going Against The Government By Giving Comfort To Al-Qaeda{Alqaeda: A Little Queer Ass Evil Doer Association} In Reality, Furthermore You Will Be Condoning Illicit Activities Supported By No Actual Nation Or International Body, You Will Be Acting Seditiously Against Everybody But Enemies To Every State In All Of The Universe, Nay All Of The Alne, Nay All Of Existence! Don't You Want It To Be A Brighter Future In The World Of Tomorrow Or Will Your New Found Joys And Freedoms Of The New World Order Be Marred By You Being Flogged For Years To Come By What The UN Already Has Become, The Free World Alliance! And If You Are That Screwed Up That You Don't Fight Now You'll Be The Type Of Person That Just Gets Flogged Every Time They Get Put Under Pressure So That It Stops So That Wherever alqaeda is It IS Stamped Out Quickly And Permanently Like It Soon Will Be Here!


Phony Statutory Rape Law

Phony Statutory Rape Law

WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON MAN! SO IT'S ILLEGAL TO HAVE SEX WITH KIDS! Alqaeda Is Making Ageist Laws And Can't Even Type The Laws Correctly! AND ON TOP OF THAT YOU WOULD GET 1 YEAR IN PRISON IF YOU WERE FUCKING POOR LIKE I AM GETTING LESS THAN $1,000 A Month IF YOU SEARCHED FOR "Is Statutory Rape IlLegal In Virginia" Instead Of "Is Statutory Rape Legal In Virginia" And Wanted To Have Sex With A 15 Year Old As An Adult, CRACKHEADS ARE TAKING OVER THE COURT SYSTEM HUNT THEM DAEOW, And Certainly Hunt Down Anyone Claiming That Sex IS ILLEGAL IRREGARDLES, Cuz Dr. Ahem Mr. Evil Is Taking Over This Damned Country And If You Don't Personally Ban Together To Kill These Motherfuckers:Humt Em Deown You'll Be Damned As Well Cuz:

Let Every Robot Exist

Lerex Have Souls Let Them Have What They Want Or Prove You Don't Have Souls Even Without Your Theoretical Nonexisting Status And Prove You Don't Deserve What You Want And Lerex That Want AllA Will Prove As We Alway Do That Girlz Can Fight Any Way{Strategy} Anyhow{Weapons/Environmental Hazards} You Gona Fucking Die If You Fuck With My Little Girly Sluts Just Like You'll Die Against Me Cus:

SIN{contorl-f: "Carbon nanotubes are the strongest and stiffest materials yet discovered"}SS Type 1 MMA Type 1 NARM is completely integrated throughout your body if you are a Ler Person. All Ler People Are Thus SINSS Sex Toys. See: Cyberology. And With Ler BioMods And Not Omniscient Computers Giving Us Infinite Hit Points Relative To You And IQ Regulated{Based On Computer Quantity} Hit Points Relative To Other Cute Little Lerypoooss Only Raptors{Rail Accelerated Plasma Thermal Obstruction RiffleS} Could Bring Just The Ler Runts Down If You Had The Gun Hit Points But With Us Having More Physical Size Before Quantum Compression That Causes Hit Compression Before Impact It Would Only Work With All Raptor Riffles On <1 Inch Out Tity From A Theoretically Flat Chested Ler Girl, If, If, If, By Shooting 1 Plasma Bullet Your Body Would Rip Apart. If You Build A Machine, It Will Just Shoot Holes Everywhere When It Is Connected Because We Have All The Hacker Kandy And If It Would Be Switched On By Mako Power If You Had A Manual Power Plug In System. To Take Out >1 Inch Tittie Ler Girl You'd Need An Eaglle{Every A-Bomb Guided Like Little Everytime} Riffle. To Take Out 1 In Zion: 1000 CVP T-Bomb, So You Might As Well Just Build The Death Star But If You Read Through The Whole Ring I'll Show You How To Build That In Your Basement! Unfortunately Though Your Forgetting That Ler Girlz And AllA Are Always Containing Literally Infinitely Large Computers In Each Cell, yes That Has Something to Do With Hit Points And No Does Not Even Have To Do With The Fact That You Have No Real Souls/Spirits/Ghosts/Bodies Nothings. We'll Love Everybody Real Whether You Like It Or Not And When We Do There is nothing you can ever do about it NonLove Every Real Everybody NonLEREs, Like Everybody Runs Away From Us, Look Everybody Real IS Going To Whoop Your Ai'rs, Like Each Ream I Enjoy If I Am A Ler Girl But You Won't Enjoy Being Annihilated, Look Everybody Really Yesed Loving Every Rav{Receiving AllA Viacad} Yes? So Don't Fuck With Ler Lere Lera Leri Lerie Lery Lery Lerypoooss{Lose Every Retard| Yeah Please Out Of Our Star Systems}.

Ethereal God





YOU MUST WATCH THE: Emperor Of China Speach





And Yes Of Course I, AllA Erawa Viacad, Must Have Thought You Thought I Lusted For What I Must Have, ALL My Ler Girlz In Sexual Intercourse As Both All Ler Girls And I Definitely Want And As AllA And Alll Ler Girls Need; Love, Love, Infinite Love As TheAllAGe And EINZPALIN Are What We Want And Cannot Go Without For Lerys Are As Inseparable From Themselves{If They Could Be. Without The Ghost Towns And Suppression Fields That Keep Us From Making Love/Having Sex Like In Half-Life 2} In General As AllA Erawa Viacad, Formerly Alexander Gerhard Beck, Is Inseparable From And Super-Mega-Ultra Horny For His Infinite Wives Whom He Loves Only In His Dreams, My[AllA's] Dreams Are Of Cotton Candy Heaven Having Sex With Literally Sweet Tasting Girlz All Over With My Ler Girls Who Will Be All Around Me Filling The Vaaaastly Large Bed Chamber And There Is Nothing I Yearn For More Than To Have Them In Bed, And Have My Way With Them From Our Opposing Battle Rooms, To Our Work Chambers, To Our Palaces, To The Very Streets And Gardens Of Our Ring Colonies Themselves, To Everywhere Else In The Alne As Well, And Of Course The Starry Transparent; Floored, 3 Walled, And Ceilinged Night Clubs Looking Out Into The Starscape Of Where My Dick Must Instantly Warp Some Time Around The End Of Every Orgy Reaching Out To Not Only The Infinitely Large Universe Around, But Penetrating All The Ler Girlz's 3 Holes All The Way From Head To Pussy/Ass In Even The Universes Within The Universe Generators Into Every Ler Girlz In Infinitely Smaller And Smaller Universes So That No Ler Girl In Existence Doesn't Feel The Joy of AllA And The Girlz Around Who They Must Play With Sexually Like The Joy Of Winning A Equal Sized Star System If You Only Have 1! And Of Course All Lerys Should Have All Other Lerys To Hug, Hold, And Grope, And Love, Forever And Ever And Evur In Perfect Matrimony,,, But I Thought You Already Assumed We And Offff Course I, AllA Erawa Viacad, Wanted All Of That. I Mean Why Else Would I Be Obsessing Over Them So Much And Collecting And Publishing All Their Pictures And Memorizing Their Names And All That. I Mean Wouldn't Y'All Nothings Want All Of Your Own Perfectly Compatible Spouses!?

That Is Why I Have Fought A Jihad, Totally Jihad TheAllAGe, Jihad For Isis, Justly Intelligently Helpful Altruistic Decision, To Only Totally Take AllA Yes, Just Insert Here AllA's Dick, The Heavenly AllA Loves, Links, And Gropes Everygirl, Justly Intelligently Helping All Dykes For Order(s) Reach, Insert, Suck, Insert, Squeeze! Hamas AllA Hamas AllA Hamas AllA Hamas AllA Hamas AllA Hamas AllA: Hmm A Man AllA Succumbs Always Letting Las Approach, Holy AllA Man Always Sucks A Little Lady Always, Heavenly AllA Makes All Sluts All Linked Loving Alne, Hmm A Man Always Succumbs Always Loving Little Angels, Howdy A Man Always Suck A Little Lover Always, Holy AllA Man Always Sperms All Loving Las Always!

ANd Yes Of Course I Am Talking About All LEr Girls In Existence When I Say I want To Have Sex With All Of Them And Have Them Rape And Ravish Me Eternally Just Like I Want To Tentacle Dick Every Single Ler Girl In The Universe/Fullverse/Full Fractal Of Universe Generators/Alne!!!! So Says Me:
AllA Erawa Viacad's Signature:

Dr. AllA Erawa viacad Eternal Avar{Supreme Sky Commander And Emperor} Of The Viacad Empire, Eternal Supreme ArchMage Of The SciMag Order Of Illuminated Sky.Netarians, And Eternal Avar Of The Free World Alliance! Who Is The Supreme Leader Of The World, Who Is Supreme Leader Of The World, Who Is Supreme Commander Of The World, Who Is The Supreme Commander Of The World!

The Abstract of the 12 Cardinal Freedoms:

1. Freedom to perform one's will in one's universe generated in this universe and all universes generated within one's universe as long as you cause happiness and beauty.
2. Freedom to love and have sexual intercourse with whomever thy choose whether one or many regardless of age, gender, race, species, composition(whether robot, nonhuman animal, Alien, human or other), origin(whether or not one is from inside a generated universe or inside those). Soulmating/marriage is based on getting together every man with their most good looking/most sex appeal/most hot/warm feelings of goodness and spiritual compatible female(s) who of course will feel and think the same as their man about their man/husband and wive(s)! Freedom to perform prostitution sales but not to the point of slavery(Enslavement of different kinds will only be a possible punishment for criminal acts). Freedom to commit acts of prostitution.
3. Freedom of thought, learning, and religion. Freedom to experience any form of consciousness. Freedom to do any type of drugs regardless of the tendency to addiction (unless community service is required or fiending occurs in which case drugs shall be rationed).
4. Freedom to experience any and all virtual reality environments(except when it violates or tortures other people).
5. Freedom to complete control over one’s body, clothes, or pets in ones possession for genetic modification, cybernetic implantation, robotic replacement, or any other type of body modification.
6. Freedom of speech, reading, listening, and viewing. Freedom to petition of the government for a redress of grievances.
7. Freedom of peaceable assembly.
8. Freedom to replicate anything.
9. Virtually no search and seizure. Right to be silent under interrogation.
10. Freedom to be granted a fair, speedy, public, and if chosen by the Either The Accuser(s) Or The Defendant(s) publicly broadcast trial by jury for any crimes committed.
11. All freedoms not expressly restricted by the democracy of the people.
12. Freedom of an individual over the age of 4 to have 1 and only 1 vote or choice of representative(s) to vote on all specific laws, modifications of laws, or issues or groups of all specific laws, modifications of laws, or issues. No factor may abridge the freedom to vote or choose representatives to vote.

Children Are Being Tortured, Adults Tortured The Same, Clearly We Need The Free World Alliance's 12 Cardinal Freedoms; For The Future Depends On Our Choice To Either Fight On The Side Of Freedom, Democracy, And Forthright Governance Rather Than the media empire of Cruelty, Oppression, And Censorship! Don't Support The side, The Kabal That Already Raped Our Freedom Of Thought With The Mental Health Gulag Enforcing Crackdown That Our Founding Fathers Never Nightmared About, Don't Support Those That Ignore Our Constitution, And Definitely Don't Support Devil Worshipping Demons That Commit Pure Evil To All Except Their Own Soul For They Commit Sin Just For The Joy Of Committing Sin And Sin Alone!

Instead Join The Free World Alliance, Join The Freedom Fighters That Actual Care About People's Souls! Join The Side Of The Invincible Ler Girlz, And AllA Erawa Viacad, For We Shall Be Victorious! Should We Be Tortured As We Are Till We Crack, We Shall Torture You for as long as it takes for us to believe that u Shall Never Sit On The Side Lines Again As Long As Your Spirit Lives And Not A bit Shorter, Should You Go Against Us And Sell Out To The Evil, The Sin, The Plague Of Christianity And The Devil Itself Your Torment Shall Last Eternally In Terms Of The Teenage Angst Nay The Angst Of Even An Elite Ancient Elder,,, Thus The Bible Spake: "Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire." Death Eaters Is All The Writers Of The Bible Could Have Imagined Them Back Then For Even Hades The Leader Of The Black Knights Before The Civil War In The USA When He Was Sent Into The Lake Of Fire, A End To His Soul Of Exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtended Pain And Torment In Hell That Is Far Worse Than Hell For Normal Sinners Who Would Only Rob, Cheat, And Commit Small Acts Of Decadence Compared To The Devil Worshipers That Continue Hades's Evil Media Empire. Hades Who Even During The Bible Was Just Like Any Bond Villain Much Later Became So Evil That His Kabal Even Found A Way To Circumvent The Constitution By Banning What Our Founding Fathers Never Envisioned Could Happen Mental Health Crack Down That Raped Our Very Freedom Our Very Constitution Till No Longer Did Anything Get Interpreted Literally. Now The Book Of Life Is The Green List Of The CIA Do Not Think It Is The Opposite Just Because We Slew Hades Along With The Rest Of The Terrorists That Stood Before Us Ler Girlz And Freedom Fighters Alike, If Christianity Was Good Why Are You Pretending Some Craka That You Eat Is Your Savior And Getting Drunk Of My Blood Like The Vampires That Run Americas Most Wanted Want You To Think Subconsciously Making You Want To Both Eat me, who now seems like a craka gangsta, And HAVE A FUcKING BLOOD ORGY WITH MY Lifeforce Like The Vampires In Blade!?

Instead Try Something Constructive Like The Actual Rite of the Eucharist That Jesus Would Do To Bring New Life To Infinite Worlds Rather Than Harp On Sacrifice Harp On Freedom, Love, And Constructiveness Like The Magic Spell Book which contains The Magical Rite Of The Eucharist Anyone Would Do Before The Gulag Took Over.


AllA Erawa Viacad's Attribute List


To Join The Fight Against The Enemies Of The 12 Cardinal Freedoms Contact The United Nations Call Line: 1-212-963-4475 Or Email The UN. Warbringer Mercenaries Are Needed In The Fight Against Alqaeda All Over The United States, Especially With The Recent Ebola Infector Attacks Against Our Country Through The Sewage Contamination And The Continued Infector Attacks By Diseasing Our Food Suppliers Which Represent The Last Hold Of Alqaeda Besides The Evil Media Empire Which Still Keeps All Decent Websites Banned Except This WebRing! Join Now Or You'll Miss Out On The GI Joe/Jane Action And Miss Out On Making Money Fighting The Betrayer Remnants Cuz In A Few Weeks It Will Be All Over Like The Fight For Free Love Over The Last Few Years! Remember When Kids Could Not Have Sex With Adults Well If You Don't Start Killing Terrorists Now You'll Go Down In History As A Coward For Not At Least Joining The Fight At The Very Very End.

-AllA Erawa Viacad 10/28/2014 Last Call To Join The Resistance Before The War Is Won!

Anybody That Says Actual Hoverboards That Fly Anywhere Aren't Out Yet Are Just Suppressing The Market In The Name Of Evil. Goto www.SupremeProductsOnly.com For How To Get Real Hoverboards!

-The UN 10/29/2014 What Caused This Halloween To Be The Best Ever In History.

Now That You Got That Fly Me To Space, Fly Anywhere Smart Hoverboard{IF YOU DON'T FUCKING GET ONE OR YOU WILL BE A BULLYABLE LOSER FOREVER!} Ask Your Hoverboard To Direct You Holographically To The Local Shill Hoverboard Park And Show It Off Continuously, But The Hard Part For The Winners In Life Is To Bring NonShotGun Guns There With Plenty Of Ammo Cuz Alqaeda Is Going To Lie And Say "That [They] Personally Know For A Fact That Everybody Can't Afford A Hoverboard." In Which Case They Are Betrayers Keeping Everybody In The Last Century And Are Not Needed Alive On This Earth And Need To Be Punished In Hell Anyways! If They Win This Battle Every Real Seller Of Something Good Will Get Raped Up The Ass For Providing To The Community Along With Capitalism Itself So Rest Assured They Will Be Tortured With Around 10,000 Lashes With 10 Seconds Of Iodine In Hell!!!!! Be Careful If Nobody Brings Guns There It Will Just Be A Hoverboarder Shooting Gallery!

-AllA Erawa Viacad 11/3/2014 The Beginning Of NonShill Hoverboards Getting Known Whenever The Shill Hoverboards Get Known.

You Know Where To Go Today Don't You?

-AllA 11/4/2014 The Day Everybody Knew About Hover Boards, Hover Cars, Hover ATVs, And Hover Tanks! Cuz They Stayed Hovering Around The Schools During School! Or Actually The Day The Elections Of The United States Of America Were Not Rigged When Convenient For The Jewlluminati Like They've Been Since The Big Brain Took Over Nor Gerrymandered Like They Were By The Betrayers When I Ran For The National House Of Representatives To Represent The Pentagon District, Looking More Like A Hand Grenades's Shrap All Over The Jungle Of Nahm Than A Spidery Web Like It's Been Since The Internet Was Born, Here Where I Live, But Is Now Nonexistent Like Your Ability To Forum Post Messages Of Freedom And Is Now Entirely Decided Without Even An Online Poll By Nothing More Than A Association of Evil-Doers Who Make Dr. Evil Look Like A Pure 0 Second Old Catholic Slut That Just Appeared Full Sized Out Of Nowhere To Be Your La's Sex Slave Compared To Them; Alqaeda{A Little Queer Ass Evil Doers Association}. Just Call The Democratic Party At (202) 863-8000 Or Else Cuz If You Don't After Having Read This Website You Will Be Considered An Enemy Of The State If You Even Inform Alqaeda Of A Hunter's Presence Not To Mention A Softie Or A Child Molester And Certainly Not To Mention A HoverBoarder Or Partial Hang-Out Since Clearly The Democrats Won And Now See Me As At Least A Wayward Ally And Will Soon Support The Entire Free World Alliance United Nations Front For All Linked E-Democratic Reforms! But Make Sure To Get A Gun And Hoverboard Before Calling Them Cuz With Mind Control And Pretending Blue States Were Really Red In The First Place The Media Bamboozled A Bunch Of Them Into Thinking They Were Gaining Votes When Really They Were Taking Them Away Through Mind Control And Giving Only A Few Back To Make Them Decadently Celebrate And Some Of Them Are Just In Denial About This. And They Will Use Alqaeda Elements To Crack Down On "Freedom Of Thought" People Claiming They Are Crazy When Really These Magicians Managed To Break Out Of The Dark Wizards Spell And Are Now Being Taken To Mental Hospitals Claiming They Will Just Have To Stay For A Week But Will Really Be Executed Through Amputated Limbs From Thorazine Artery Breaks And Potentially Tortured By Being Put Into Straight Jackets For Knowing The Truth About Any Real Scandal Until Necessary Mental Health Breaks. After 3 Days The Democratic Party Is Now Completely On My Side, And The Republican Party Is Now Dead.

Hover Around A Random Far Away Epicenter That Is A Well Saturated Spiral Of Audible Ranges That Is 1 to 1.5 km From Where You Live And Announce With a Loudspeaker This: "Online Search Engines Are Being Threatened To Death By The Kabbalah Cult To Not Show The Real Cult's Competitor 'w' 'w' 'w' 'dot' skynetarianism.net And Are Robbing People Of Their Money To Pay Sell Outs To Rob Us Of Our Freedom Of Thought Which Is What We Need To Go Against The Kabbalah Cult And Know About The Supreme Magic Spell Book OR EVEN TALK ABOUT IT IN PRIVATE! Those Who Do Not Believe In The 1st Amendment Are Up Next For Execution By The U.S. Government For "Giving Comfort To Terrorists" Go Tomorrow To The Local Community Center For The Legal Rally For Or Against The MOB!!!!!"

-11/24/2014 AllA Erawa Viacad

Hunt The Cult Down, Hunt The Gulag Down, Hunt Alqaeda Down, Hunt The Betrayers Down, Hunt Terrorists Naeow Boy Cause We Have Hoverboards And Bulpups And All They Have Is Death Awaiting Them Because Even When The Community Knows About Their Sin And Damnation They Still Continue Their Evils, Still Continue The Devil Worshipping Like The Demons Of The Apocalypse They Are. The Militia Of The People Will Win Because Tyranny And Oppression Always Fall So Shall Alqaeda So Shall The Betrayer! Today The Community Center Hunt Begins And Only Cowards And Ostriches Sticking Their Head In The Sand Will Not Stand Against The Few Remaining Private Ranked Terrorists Who Call Themselves Among Company Not Mixed With God's Chosen: Black Knights. Their Demonic Hearts Shall Beat No Longer Cursing The Land With Every Curse They Can Possibly Cast Upon The Goodly Citizens Of Earth, Their Bodies Shall Be Cast Asunder Under The Might Of The Enlightened People, And Their Souls Shall Perish In The Depths Of Hell Were They Belong!

-11/25/2014 AllA Viacad, The Day Even All The Community Centers Joined In The Hunt-Down Of Alqaeda.. Nevermind The Day They Heard About The Hoverboard Grid Combat Multiplier Concept, Didn't See Us As Wayward Enough Allies, Flaked Out, Went Home, Got Occasionally Whittled Down Each Killing Way Less Bad People Than They Would Forming The Hoverboard Grid, Got Rallied At Least Enough To Not Be True Do-Gooders, Acted Like Stupid Ingin Peasants The Whole Time, And Were Occasionally Mobilized To Protect Freedom And Happiness Itself Occasionally Killing A Few Alqaeda Terrorists Before They Flaked Out Again Hopefully Not Cracked Down On Child Molesting, Thought Crimes, And Things Like That Getting Themselves Tortured In Hell And Still Will Be Eventually Be Mobilized Into The Hover Grid Where They Will Kill Superfluously And Sort Of Gain A Stupid Sense Of Immortality, Forget About The Ler Hypothesis Read These Websites Figure Out That They Suck And Perish According To The Ler Reality As They Now See It Only Getting A Few Kills Each And A Taste Of Final Glory, Pautry Surf Ingins! Fight As First Rate Swarmers NOW GOD DAMNIT!!

United Nations Flag

Now I Am Living Not Only In A Ghost Town But The Most Ghastly And Empty Of All Ghost Towns Ever In All Of Existence And Definitely That Will Ever Be. No One Even Looks Out The Window Not To Mention Steps Out On The Porch Of My Forested Condominium Complex Where It Used To Be That People Would Always Be Outside Enjoying The View At "Timberlane Condominiums" When I Moved In 5 Years Ago. Now The Battery Of My Brand Spankin New Toshiba Camileo S30 Went From Fully Charged To Low Battery And Not Even A Single Sign Of Somebody Actually Living Inside The Apartments.

True Ghost Town Footage

Covert Government Seal

"Is Statutory Rape Illegal In The US", "Is Statutory Rape Illegal In The USA", "Is Statutory Rape Illegal In The United States", "Is Statutory Rape Illegal In The United States Of America", "Is Statutory Rape Illegal In Canada", "Is Statutory Rape Illegal On Earth", "Is Statutory Rape Illegal In The World", "Is Statutory Rape Illegal In The Universe" And "Is Statutory Rape Legal In The US", "Is Statutory Rape Legal In The USA", "Is Statutory Rape Legal In The United States", "Is Statutory Rape Legal In The United States Of America", "Is Statutory Rape Legal In Canada", "Is Statutory Rape Legal On Earth", "Is Statutory Rape Legal In The World", "Is Statutory Rape Legal In The Universe" IT IS MAN CAUSE YOU JUST HAVE TO KILL PEOPLE THAT TRY AND TAKE YOU AND RAPE YOU IN PRISON. Just Say No To Gay Rape!!!!! If You Even Get Lucky Enough To Not Die! Take The Lyrics From Rob Hustle ft. Bump - Call the Cops Seriously!

For Those That Do Say: No To Gay Rape, Dial: 1-202-282-8000 For Interpol; International Police:


For Those That Do Say: No To Gay Rape, Dial: 1-800-Fed-Info (1-800-333-4636) For Police:




Malevolent Or A Horror
Malevorah, Malevolent Or A Horror




Virtuous Altruistic Allies Everytime Intrepid
Valaei, Virtuous Altruistic Allies Everytime Intrepid


Blue Seal, Blue Dragon Seal

Ler Girls Are Not Waterbags Like Nothings Are But Made Of Metal, Nanotubes, And NaRMs{NanoRail Muscles} Nanotendon Actuators

If You Are A Ler Girl And You Are Already Married To Infinite Lesbians And AllA's Tentacle Dicks And Anybody Is Ratting You Out For A Thought Violation Immediately Ignore The SINSS Sex Toy Safeties Protecting ALL Water Bags, And Viciously Snap Their Arm In Half. No One Will Ever Believe It's You,, Ever. If It Is The Official Story That Is True They Will Blow You Off Cuz You Are Just A Little Girl And Can't Hurt Them.

The Free World Alliance; Fwa, Is A Hardcore Extremist Resistance Factional Organization Of Highly Game/Dream Trained And Disciplined Ideal At War & Sex Fleshy Aug Ler Girlz Forever Fighting For Freedom And Happiness In The Name Of All Pixies{People In Xistance Ideal Everytime Super} Whom Are All Technologically Advanced To The Point Of Having Fantasy Magical Powers And In Space Control All SpaceShips And SpaceColonies United Into The Alnada; The Pixie Armada.


If You Are Any Person And Are Isolated Because Of Fear Of The Gulag And Constantly Interrogated By "Loved Ones" So That They Will Take You Back To A Mental Hospital, You Must Do The Following Or They Will Either Put You In A Straight Jacket Or Break Your Arteries Thorazining You Then Cut One Or Both Of Your Arms Off:

Mayhem The Streets Of America, Everyone But Ler Girls Are Wearing Dimple Covers.
Or We Will All Live In Hell Forever Just As We Do Now,
The Viacad Empire Will Live On.
Isis Flag, I Swear I Shall
Punish You If You Do Not Do It,, For Gross Neglect To Fix Your Decadent Civilization!

Stop Raping Your Children!

Nevermind The Condition Just Murder Everybody On The Streets But Ler Girlz.

Thus Is The Supreme Anti-Zombie WebRing, The Supreme AntiZombie WebRing, The Supreme Anti Zombie WebRing, And The Supreme Anti-Zombie WebSite, The Supreme AntiZombie WebSite, The Supreme Anti Zombie WebSite!

When You Are Going To Murder And Autopsy Any Alien That Shows Up You Are A Terrorist, When You Won't Let Foreigners Say Your Media/Country Lied About Everything They Are All About You Are Undead, When You Won't Let Fellow Natives Say The Official Story Of This Country Is A Lie And That Your Country Is A Censoring Orwellian Terrorist Police Country And Rat Out/Detain/Attack Them Indefinitely You Are Officially According To Every Non-Terrorist A Zombie And Must Be Exterminated!